A spontaneous conversation allows for the structure of a possible film. When joining those words with 16 mm footage and rolls of old photographs, the images start to burn and their ignition fosters questions about what memories are, how they are archived and preserved, and which of them vanish without a trace. According to Didi-Huberman, to look at an image one has to be able to distinguish where it is burning.
Sound Recordist
Esse documentário original retrata a situação da Colômbia na década de 1990, período no qual se intensifica a chamada "guerra contra as drogas". Na época, a violência e o terrorismo imposto pelos cartéis de drogas levaram o governo colombiano a assinar com os Estados Unidos o "Plano Colômbia", um audacioso plano composto por apoio militar e logístico para deter a falência do Estado.
Sound Designer
“Grupo de Cali” (também conhecido como “Caliwood”) é um grupo de amigos amantes de cinema que, em meio às festividades e caos histórico entre 1971 e 1991, conseguiu produzir um conjunto de obras hoje considerado fundamental na história do cinema colombiano.
Francisco Maldonado is sadly involved in a series of dreams that have tormented him, in which generally he, wielding multiple weapons (the machete, the shotgun, his own mother) attacks his father, with whom he has lost intense contact since the death of his mother. This December 31, the old man, Don Juan Cristo, his father, with whom he also adjoins his farm, appears again at his door, so that they finally agree, on this last day of the term after ten years of the death of his mother , the destruction of the fence that divides their lands, so that she stops being a soul in pain, and so that the municipality does not take these lands at its will.