Alistair Holloway


Patrick: Aprendendo a Amar
Digital Imaging Technician
Sarah é uma jovem mulher cuja vida está um pouco bagunçada. A última coisa que ela precisa é de alguém para cuidar. Ainda assim, gostando ou não, a avó dela lhe deixou um legado, um pug muito mimado – Patrick. Certamente ela deve ter tido seus motivos?
Digital Imaging Technician
Livre-arbítrio, identidade e humanidade colidem em uma máquina com inteligência artificial que acredita ser humana e aprende que seu destino pré-programado é liderar um exército de humanóides para salvá-los da extinção.
My Sister's Dollhouse
A filmmaker tries to discover himself by making a film... he fails.
My Sister's Dollhouse
Additional Photography
A filmmaker tries to discover himself by making a film... he fails.
Musical Star
Still Photographer
JIMMY hates musicals. When EUGENIUS – the cosmically charged, all-singing, all-dancing musical Godfather – tap dances into Jimmy’s tedium, Jimmy is swept off to a magical theatre realm and told he is destined to become the Greatest Musical Star of all time! But Jimmy’s aversion to the melodic art runs far deeper than mere dislike. In order to save the world from a tuneless future, Jimmy is forced to confront a buried childhood trauma… MUSICAL STAR! is a charming, entertaining comedy for everyone who ever loved, or hated musicals. A tale of magic, optimism and… childhood trauma, MUSICAL STAR! dares to ask the question, When everything’s so crappy what’s wrong with being happy?
Musical Star
Digital Imaging Technician
JIMMY hates musicals. When EUGENIUS – the cosmically charged, all-singing, all-dancing musical Godfather – tap dances into Jimmy’s tedium, Jimmy is swept off to a magical theatre realm and told he is destined to become the Greatest Musical Star of all time! But Jimmy’s aversion to the melodic art runs far deeper than mere dislike. In order to save the world from a tuneless future, Jimmy is forced to confront a buried childhood trauma… MUSICAL STAR! is a charming, entertaining comedy for everyone who ever loved, or hated musicals. A tale of magic, optimism and… childhood trauma, MUSICAL STAR! dares to ask the question, When everything’s so crappy what’s wrong with being happy?
Musical Star
Man With Bat
JIMMY hates musicals. When EUGENIUS – the cosmically charged, all-singing, all-dancing musical Godfather – tap dances into Jimmy’s tedium, Jimmy is swept off to a magical theatre realm and told he is destined to become the Greatest Musical Star of all time! But Jimmy’s aversion to the melodic art runs far deeper than mere dislike. In order to save the world from a tuneless future, Jimmy is forced to confront a buried childhood trauma… MUSICAL STAR! is a charming, entertaining comedy for everyone who ever loved, or hated musicals. A tale of magic, optimism and… childhood trauma, MUSICAL STAR! dares to ask the question, When everything’s so crappy what’s wrong with being happy?