No Sudeste Asiático, um general sequestra 63 delegados da ONU e exige um resgate milionário. O coronel Guile e a agente da Inteligência Britânica Cammy tentam resolver a situação, mas seus planos são ameaçados por uma repórter atrás de vingança.
Over the five days after a military coup, army troops arrive to enforce martial law and encounter a growing resistance movement.
Harry Wingate, a rugged adventurer, is hired by a gem collector to retrieve a priceless opal, known as "The Blue Lightning," from Lester McInally, a super-criminal with an army of killers operating in the Australian outback.
The action moves along quickly, jumping over holes in the script, in this made-for-television drama about Eve, an ex-terrorist from Germany who is forced to escape to Australia with her teenage daughter Chrissie when she is sought by Riley, a lover from 17 years in the past. In turn, the IRA has sent two members after Riley because he shot an IRA soldier and must pay the consequences. The two IRA operatives looking for Riley come across a really nasty biker who wants vengeance on Eve for setting his car on fire -- and the three men finally track her and Chrissie to the wine-growing country of Barossa Valley. The final denouement is about to explode, as Riley also arrives on the scene. With under-par acting and a patchy plot, this film was never released theatrically.
Millionairess actress-singer Marie Coleby (Deborah Coulls) lives in a luxurious villa on a deserted beach. One afternoon following a TV commercial shoot at the villa she incites gardener Gordon Mason (Chard Hayward) to mayhem and murder. The unexpected arrival of Marie's sister Jenny Nolan (Louise Howitt) hinders Mason's attempts to dispose of the body. He then decides to kill Jenny. But she is equally determined to stay alive ... so begins a battle of wits. Jenny's salvation seems at hand when two security men arrive at the villa, but only one, Officer Collings (Roger Ward) survives the initial siege. Then Jenny is alone to face Mason for the final time ...