Animal Facts Club Presents is an educational, artistically innovative short series about science. It blends large-scale sets, puppetry, animation and choreography with documentary segments. Endangered Rituals focuses on the nearly extinct Attwater Prairie Chicken and the critically endangered Houston Toad who both have incredible mating displays.
Animal Facts Club Presents is an educational, artistically innovative short series about science. It blends large-scale sets, puppetry, animation and choreography with documentary segments. Endangered Rituals focuses on the nearly extinct Attwater Prairie Chicken and the critically endangered Houston Toad who both have incredible mating displays.
Animal Facts Club Presents is an educational, artistically innovative short series about science. It blends large-scale sets, puppetry, animation and choreography with documentary segments. Endangered Rituals focuses on the nearly extinct Attwater Prairie Chicken and the critically endangered Houston Toad who both have incredible mating displays.
Additional Editing
A escola está quase acabando. Para os idosos em Pahokee - uma pequena cidade industrial, principalmente afro-americana, no Lago Okeechoboee, na Flórida - a segunda-feira após o baile é 'Skip Day'.
Still Photographer
An older professor longing for motherhood must recalibrate her path to pregnancy when she realizes one of her favorite students is a potential sperm donor.
Assistant Camera
The memory of a little girl's first communion day gone down the sh*tter.