Wagma Khattak


Zona de Confronto
Os detalhes exatos do que aconteceu enquanto Talib Ben Hassi, de 19 anos, estava sob custódia policial permanecem obscuros. Os policiais, Jens e Mike, estão em patrulha de rotina no gueto de Svalegården quando a notícia da morte de Talib chega pelo rádio, acendendo uma raiva incontrolável e reprimida da juventude do gueto, que anseia por vingança. De repente, os dois policiais se encontram em um jogo e precisam lutar com unhas e dentes para encontrar uma saída.
Jeg vil bare læse HF
Jeg vil bare læse HF
The Escape
Danish journalist Rikke Lyngvig is taken hostage in Afghanistan by a terror group. With help from one of the terrorists, the young Nazir, Rikke manages to escape. On her return, she is soon declared the Danish Jessica Lynch and her career is launched into the spotlight. All the while Nazir flees from Afghanistan, heading for Denmark. When he finally seeks out Rikke, she is shocked and torn. Is she willing to help the man who threatened to kill her, and to jeopardize her new-found career? Their tumultuous encounter turns into an ill-fated confrontation with their own demons and a nation driven by a hunger for sensation and political populism.