Li Xinzhe

Nascimento : 1991-12-25, Inner Mongolia, China


Hunting Poison: The Lightning Strike
Operation Sniping
Xue Dahong
The story is based on the real case of the “Guangdong Extraordinary Anti-drug Case”-the “GG Project” that shocked the whole country. The international drug dealers represented by Jin Ye launched a fierce battle, and finally won the heroic anti-drug deeds of victory.
Mutation on Mars
Dou Ping
In the near future, the Earth’s resources are gradually getting scarce. In order to continue the hope of survival for generations of children and grandchildren, top scientists from various countries have brought several species of animals and plants to Mars for research, hoping to improve the Martian environment through advanced science and technology to make it suitable for human habitation.
The Sniper
Wu Jun
Alpinistas: Desastre no Everest
Liu Bin
Pela primeira vez, alpinistas chineses sobem o Monte Everest pela face norte, conhecido como o lado mais desafiador da montanha. A perigosa jornada os força a tomar decisões de vida ou morte a cada passo.
Destiny Lovers
Erlang Shen