Kim Eun-jeong
Nascimento : 1967-01-01,
Kim Eun-jeong (김은정) is a South Korean screenplay writer.
Tanya e Illyich são um casal de coreanos que vive no interior da Rússia, e que sobrevive do roubo e tráfico de sementes de café, uma iguaria muito apreciada no final do século XIX. Sua volta para Joseon se dá pelas mãos do governo japonês, que os recruta para uma missão perigosa, assassinar o imperador coreano, exilado dentro da embaixada russa.
Lifi é uma galinha que vive em uma fazenda produtora de ovos, junto de dezenas de outras fêmeas como ela. Entretanto, Leafie não consegue ter seus próprios ovos, ela apenas choca os ovos de outras galinhas e isso a deixa muito triste. Em meio a sua fuga do galinheiro, ela acaba sendo responsável por chocar e criar um filhote de pato órfão, que perdeu os pais para uma doninha caolha.
The story follows Hwang Jin Yi, a kisaeng (female entertainer) who lived in 16th century Korea. Hwang Jin-Yi was a beautiful, talented and intelligent young woman who was able to read and write well, but because she was an illegitimate child, she had no other recourse but to become a kisaeng where she used her position to gain favor with the noble classes.
Kate Forster é uma médica solitária que morava numa casa à beira de um lago que acaba de vender. Sem perceber exactamente porquê, começa a trocar cartas de amor com o novo proprietário, Alex, um arquiteto frustrado. Este relacionamento escrito dura dois anos até que, percebendo que estiveram a perder tempo, eles decidem correr atrás dele...
Nine-year-old Hani is a troublemaker who isn't afraid of anything. A precocious punk, his school friends are all his underlings, and even his family members are under his control. He especially considers his elder brother, HanByul, who often complains of being sick, his greatest target. Until one fateful day, HanByul collapses at home and is rushed to the emergency room and the worst nightmare for any parents becomes a reality - he is diagnosed with cancer. The film is based on a true story.
Action thriller featuring a dramatic race against time and death. After 10 billion won worth of drugs mysteriously disappear, police officer Kang Sung Joo (Ko Su) is faced with the unenviable task of tracking down the perpetrators of the clever coup. During his risky mission for justice, he stumbles into news reporter Seo Yoo Jin (Song Ji-hyo) who has the gift to foresee the future. To his shock, Kang learns that he will be murdered within 24 hours.
The story follows the lives of two girls living together and their separate love lives as they struggle to find and maintain their new relationships. The movie mainly focuses on pretty girl Lee Hee-Jin. Hee-Jin is a hair stylist working at a salon when she meets an old classmate from junior high school. Kang Ji-Suk meets up with Hee-Jin when he arrives at her salon for a hair cut. The pair ends up deciding to try dating for a month to see how things go. All goes well in the beginning until Ji-Suks first love shows up. Sung-Hae invites Ji-Suk over to a reunion party with their old junior high school friends. Hee-Jin ends up tagging along. But she feels excluded and uncomfortable while Ji-Suk and Sung-Hae are hitting it off.
The programmer of the ultimate online dating game starts to fall in love with its most troublesome user, who happens to work in the same building as him.
No calor do verão, sacos plásticos de lixo são encontrados por toda a cidade com partes humanas dentro, de corpos diferentes e aparentemente sem nenhuma relação entre elas. O detetive Cho, que está sendo investigado pela corregedoria, fica encarregado de identificar os corpos e resolver o caso. Quando o assassino começa a deixar pistas, Cho descobre que a ligação entre as vítimas é Su-yeon, curadora do Museu Nacional, com um passado traumático que prefere esquecer mas que pode ser a única chave para a solução dos assassinatos.
The male radio presenter Donghyun and the female TV home shopping phone operator Soohyun are both lonely. While Donghyun is focused on getting back to his ex-girl-friend Younghae who has sent him a special LP, Soohyun is crazy for her friend's boy-friend. Via Internet and music Soohyun and Donghyun get together in a special way.