É confusão em dose-dupla quando Donald precisa de lenha para a lareira e tenta cortar a árvore onde moram Tico e Teco. Mais tarde é a vez da dupla sentir-se em casa na estação de trem de brinquedo do Donald. A seguir, teremos uma competição romântica quando os dois esquilos gostam da mesma garota. E depois é a vez de Pluto, que quer esconder seus ossos na mesma árvore em que Tico e Teco guardam suas nozes. Para finalizar, a dupla de esquilos decide infernizar as férias de Donald.
É confusão em dose-dupla quando Donald precisa de lenha para a lareira e tenta cortar a árvore onde moram Tico e Teco. Mais tarde é a vez da dupla sentir-se em casa na estação de trem de brinquedo do Donald. A seguir, teremos uma competição romântica quando os dois esquilos gostam da mesma garota. E depois é a vez de Pluto, que quer esconder seus ossos na mesma árvore em que Tico e Teco guardam suas nozes.
Mickey, o camundongo mais querido do mundo, estrela esta coletânea que reúne suas melhores histórias. Desenhos com aquela magia especial que só a Disney é capaz de fazer.
Contains memorable scenes from "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," "Fantasia," "Lady and the Tramp," "Peter Pan," "One Hundred and One Dalmatians," and "The Sword in the Stone."
Original Music Composer
A gata de uma jovem escocesa, Thomasina, aparentemente morre nas mãos de seu pai, um veterinário.A relação entre a garota e seu pai, que não está muito bem, é resolvida com o retorno de Thomasina e o aparecimento de uma bela e misteriosa bruxa que parece ter poderes de reviver e curar animais.
Original Music Composer
Dois filhotes de urso, Tuffy e Tubby, são separados de sua mãe e passam um verão inteiro brincando no Parque Nacional de Yellowstone. Nesse ínterim, a mãe ursa segue seu rastro enquanto os procura.
Original Music Composer
Hayley Mills interpreta gêmeas que, desconhecendo que seus pais se divorciaram, se encontram em um acampamento de verão. Como ambas moram com pai/mãe "solteiros", elas trocam de lugar (surpresa!) de modo a satisfazer a curiosidade de conhecer o pai/mãe que nunca conheceu. Claro que depois resolvem providenciar a re-união dos pais.
Numa pequena cidade do interior americano vive a jovem Pollyana, uma pequena órfã que ilumina a vida de todos que a conhecem. Sua tia Polly, preocupada com aparências, política e posses, tem problemas em aceitar a alegria da sobrinha. Somente quando a cidade quase perde a sua habitante mais querida é que tia Polly entende a importância do amor e da esperança.
Original Music Composer
Por meio de um antigo feitiço, um menino se transforma em um cão pastor e fica alternando entre as duas formas periodicamente. Parece acontecer em momentos inoportunos e o feitiço só pode ser quebrado por um ato de bravura...
Hosted by Jiminy Cricket along with Mickey Mouse and Tinker Bell, this special combines newly produced animation with clips from vintage animated Disney shorts and feature films, presented to the viewer as Christmas cards from the various characters starring in each one.
Original Music Composer
Da série True Life Adventures, mostra como a vida de um esquilo fêmea, Perri, na floresta é cheia de perigo e marcada por riscos. Quando não está escapando de seu inimigo natural, o Martes (uma espécie animal, parente distante da fuinha), Perri encontra tempo para se apaixonar por seu príncipe encantado, um esquilo macho.
Original Music Composer
James Andrews é um espião da União durante a Guerra Civil Americana. Ele recebe a missão de levar um grupo de soldados da União para o Sul para que pudessem destruir o sistema de transporte ferroviário.
Original Music Composer
Walt Disney, who is on vacation, gives Jiminy Cricket a phone call to take over hosting duties for one TV episode while he is away. Jiminy decides to gather the other Disney stars together to help him out. Unfortunately, they, too, are on vacation, but how they are spending their respective vacations helps put the show together for him.
Walt Disney animation animated cartoon musical compilation ("The BIG Parade of MIRTH and MELODY"; "Offering hits re-released from 'Make Mine Music' and 'Melody Time'"; featuring cartoons from the 1946 musical, "Make Mine Music," and the 1948 musical "Melody Time") featuring Donald Duck, Joe Carioca, and other Disney cartoon characters, and also songs by Fred Waring and his Pennsylvanians, Benny Goodman and His Orchestra, Frances Langford, Roy Rogers and Trigger, The Andrews Sisters (Laverne, Maxene, and Patty Andrews), Freddy Martin and his orchestra, Sons of the Pioneers, Jerry Colonna, and Ethel Smith
Oscar nominated short film from 1955
Original Music Composer
Quando vários navios são abalroados e afundados por um misterioso monstro marinho nas águas do Pacífico, um professor de biologia marinha francês é convidado pelo governo americano a integrar a tripulação de um navio que irá tentar caçá-lo. Mas o que ninguém sabe é que o monstro é um submarino com um misterioso capitão, senhor de um notável saber que não está disposto a partilhar.
Segundo filme de longa-metragem da série "True Life Adventures", concentra-se na porção dos Estados Unidos cercada pelas Montanhas Rochosas e pelo rio Mississippi. Após uma breve apresentação de animais já extintos, o filme apresenta diversas espécies em vias de extinção. Vencedor do Oscar de Melhor Documentário Longa-Metragem.
Original Music Composer
Mickey e Pluto vão pescar na praia. Depois de arrumar encrenca com um marisco, Pluto é provocado por uma gaivota, que rouba a isca de Mickey e os peixes que ele pescou. A gaivota e seus amigos expulsam Mickey e Pluto da praia.
Original Music Composer
Os sobrinhos de Donald vêm passar o dia das bruxas e pregam peças neles. Mas a Bruxa Hazel estava observando e se ofereceu para ajudar os meninos a se vingarem. Ela prepara uma poção que anima objetos inanimados e os ativa. Ele inicialmente concorda em tratar os meninos, até que ouve a bruxa chamá-lo de "ingênuo". Ela anima seus pés para fazê-lo tossir a chave da despensa.
Original Music Composer
A small house has to try to compete with progress and the encroaching press of the big city.
Das águas tranquilas de lagoas e pântanos até o azul selvagem dos vastos oceanos, experimente a beleza e a variedade desses pássaros majestosos, cada um perfeitamente projetado para seu habitat.
Original Music Composer
From a brand new car in a showroom that draws every eye, to a discard in a second-hand lot and ultimately Skid Row, Susie's story has the highest of highs, and plummets to the lowest of lows... an automotive riches to rags story.
Music Director
Cold War propaganda allegory about farm markets.
Original Music Composer
Tico e Teco fazem do trem de brinquedo do Pato Donald seu ambiente de convívio.
Original Music Composer
George Geef rushes to the office to inform his fellow employees, "Hey, fellas! I'm a father!". Unfortunately, Geef later learns that, with fatherhood, comes responsibility and lots of it. He must discipline his son when he starts fighting with neighboring kids, filling his pipe with bubble water, and pestering him while he tries to read the newspaper. But most difficult of all is getting him to pick up his toys which is no easy task. Finally, he gets ready to apply hair brush to child's behind but is talked out of it when he sees his son sleeping peacefully. "Kids, they're wonderful," he concludes.
Original Music Composer
Mickey's hunting raccoons, with help from Pluto. But the raccoon outsmarts Pluto at every turn, with help from a vine, a stream, and ultimately grabbing Mickey's coonskin cap and puppeteering it as a baby coon.
Original Music Composer
Gas station owner Donald thinks he's just missed the winning number for a new Zoom V8 car but his nephews hear a correction, and find he really does have the winner. They plan to pick it up and surprise him, but the car they take runs out of gas, and they're broke. They cut out the picture of a Zoom V8 from a billboard, dress one of the boys in drag, and trick Donald into filling their tank. As they drive off, Donald plots his revenge and executes it, when the boys return in Donald's new car.
Original Music Composer
Donald flies his model airplane into Chip 'n Dale's tree. Dale climbs in and proceeds to cause trouble.
Original Music Composer
Donald is vacationing at a dude ranch. After all the beautiful women pick the best horses, Donald ends up with the sad sack Rover Boy. But Rover Boy wants nothing to do with Donald.
Airing on Christmas Day, 1950, this holiday special was the first Disney TV production. It features Edgar Bergen with Charlie McCarthy and Mortimer Snerd at Walt Disney's Christmas party. The show includes clips of movies and animated shorts and the first appearance of the Fire House Five Plus Two jazz band.
Original Music Composer
Tico e Teco tem preenchido uma árvore oca com nozes. Pluto leva um osso para a árvore, isso desencadeia uma avalanche de nozes.
Father and son coyotes try to sneak into a henhouse that Pluto is guarding.
Mild-mannered average guy Mr. Walker (Goofy) turns into violent Mr. Wheeler when he starts driving. Back on his feet, Mr. Walker finds it nearly impossible to cross the street.
Milton the cat is walking down the street and notices a yard full of delicious milk, birds, and fish not realizing it is guarded by Pluto. He shows his inferior minded pal Richard the set up and both help themselves to the goodies but are chased out by Pluto. From that point on, they try to get into the yard without waking Pluto using such tactics as sling-shooting Pluto out of the yard with his hammock and underwater diving for fish with a makeshift diving helmet.
Original Music Composer
O dia tranquilo de Donald na floresta é bastante perturbado por Tico e Teco.
Original Music Composer
Cinderela, é uma jovem que é obrigada pela madrasta a vestir andrajos e forçada a trabalhar de empregada. Ela tem como únicos amigos os animaizinhos. A fada madrinha lhe dá um lindo vestido de presente, para que ela possa ir ao baile, mas a moça precisa estar de volta até a meia-noite, pois o encanto se desfaz. No palácio, Cinderela, dança com o Príncipe, que fica encantado com ela. Ao fugir do palácio na hora combinada, Cinderela, perde um sapatinho de cristal e o Príncipe, faz de tudo para encontrar a dona daquele sapatinho.
Original Music Composer
When Donald Duck chops a Christmas tree, the inquisitive chipmunks Chip and Dale follow and see him decorate it with nuts and sweets. So they sneak in his home, determined to 'harvest' it all, using the toys for the Duck nephews, as if Christmas came early for them, so to say. Donald puts up an equally 'playful' yet grim defense, so it all rapidly escalates into a bitter miniature two-to-one-giant war over the Christmas-treats.
Jerry é um garoto que adota como seu bichinho de estimação Danny, um carneirinho preto e muito bagunceiro. O sonho do menino é transformar seu carneiro sem pedigree em um campeão da Exposição de Animais. Apesar das dificuldades, Jerry não vai desistir.
Original Music Composer
Hoping to bury her criminal past, Jenny Hadley settles into a comfortable existence as Gina, the wife of the politician Clinton Crane. When her former associate Floyd Durant shows up to blackmail Gina, she has no choice but to murder him. Things take a bizarre turn when Barbara Arnold is charged with Durant's murder and Gina is selected to serve on the jury.
Dennis Day tells the story of Johnny Appleseed (John Chapman), narrated by The Old Settler. He's an apple farmer who sees people going west and thinks he can't join them, until an angel appears to him and sings the virtues of apples, convincing Johnny he has a mission. He sets off without a knife or gun; at first, the animals mistrust him, but when he even treats a skunk kindly, they all take to him.
Original Music Composer
Blondie (Penny Singleton) finds a valuable watch that has been hidden by hubby Dagwood (Arthur Lake). She assumes that it's a surprise wedding gift, but the truth is that Dagwood has been guarding the watch on behalf of a client who bought the gift for his own wife. The snowballing comedy of errors eventually involves criminals who hope to snatch the watch for themselves. Blondie's Anniversary was the 22nd in Columbia's Blondie series.
Jiminy Cricket apresenta dois curtas de animação da Disney: "Bongo", sobre um urso de circo que foge para a vida selvagem, e uma visão de famoso conto de fadas em "Mickey e o Pé de Feijão", com Mickey, Donald e Pateta nos papéis principais.
Music Arranger
Morando com os avós, depois que os pais se separaram, garoto só encontra a alegria nas histórias contadas por velho empregado da fazenda, plenas do rico folclore do Sul dos EUA. Filme produzido por Walt Disney que mistura desenho e atores reais.
Pepito approaches a beautiful senorita who icily rebuffs him, but he is persistent and she allows him to take her to an upscale restaurant, where Pepito can not pay the bill. The consequences are realized later when he finds himself at the altar, about to be married, a confused victim of a misunderstanding.
A crowd gathers at the skating rink to watch the big championship hockey game of the Pelicans versus the Aardvarks. Although referee "Clean Game" Kinney does his best to supervise, the hockey game really gets out of hand eventually. Two star players, Bertino and Ferguson, are so anxious, they never get let out of the penalty box, referee Kinney is never able to drop the puck without being physically hurt somehow, and the spectators themselves are so worked into the game, they take out their aggression on the ice while the players relax in the bleachers.
A narrator tells the story of how the Western pioneers (all being Goofy lookalikes) are travelling in covered wagons across the frontier. They run into some Indians (who are also Goofy lookalikes) and battle breaks out between them. Suddenly a tornado comes by and sweeps up the covered wagons, dropping them into various states such as "Wash", "Organ", and "Californy."
Original Music Composer
Donald receives a mail order hypnosis kit complete with hypnotic goggles and decides to test it on Pluto. Using the goggles, he convinces Pluto he is a mouse, a turtle, and a chicken. Each "transformation" Pluto undergoes Donald finds extremely funny so he keeps at it until he notices chicken Pluto getting into a fight with a rooster. Donald helps Pluto win the fight by making him think he's a lion but, unfortunately, the goggles break and Donald is chased about by Pluto until he regains his senses after a fall.
Big game hunter Goofy and his trusty elephant search for a tiger to hunt.
Original Music Composer
Pato Donald recebe uma grande caixa no dia de seu aniversário, trazendo três presentes. O primeiro traz um projetor de cinema, contendo um filme sobre aves da América do Sul. O segundo contém um livro sobre o Brasil, que o leva à Bahia ao lado de Zé Carioca. O terceiro tem uma piñata, acompanhada de Panchito. Com os amigos, Donald vive aventuras no Brasil e no México.
Music Director
Pato Donald recebe uma grande caixa no dia de seu aniversário, trazendo três presentes. O primeiro traz um projetor de cinema, contendo um filme sobre aves da América do Sul. O segundo contém um livro sobre o Brasil, que o leva à Bahia ao lado de Zé Carioca. O terceiro tem uma piñata, acompanhada de Panchito. Com os amigos, Donald vive aventuras no Brasil e no México.
Original Music Composer
Donald's got the day off, and all he can think of is golf until it rains as soon as he sets foot outside. He takes it out on his nephews. When he's sitting around moping, they take revenge by playing off his hypochondria.
Minnie's learning first aid; she asks Pluto and Figaro for help. Pluto keeps throwing Figaro into buckets and otherwise getting him into trouble. Then, when Minnie has Pluto all trussed up in splints, Figaro taunts him.
Original Music Composer
Goofy provides a history of ships and sailing.
Original Music Composer
Donald is manning a listening post and falls asleep; he blows trumpet calls in his sleep and wakes his nephews. For their revenge, they send up a model airplane filled with gingerbread men with parachutes; Donald shoots it down, and cowers in fear when he sees the parachutes (and hears a simulated battle), until one lands on his beak. Donald kicks his nephews out until he mistakes a bee for an airplane, and calls them back to fight this menace.
Original Music Composer
The old shell game gets a new face as Donald stays off-base past "Taps" and has to try to sneak back in with out alerting Pete.
This is a unique film in Disney Production's history. This film is essentially a propaganda film selling Major Alexander de Seversky's theories about the practical uses of long range strategic bombing. Using a combination of animation humorously telling about the development of air warfare, the film switches to the Major illustrating his ideas could win the war for the allies.
Original Music Composer
Private Donald Duck is on a long, long training march, growing steadily more exhausted. Finally, they reach their camp location, and despite Donald's desire for dinner, he follows orders to pitch his tent first. He finally gives up on the tent as night falls. But as he tries to get to sleep, the loud shoring of the other soldiers forces him to bury his head. Finally, he gets to sleep, just as reveille sounds and the march continues.
Original Music Composer
Pateta demonstra com habilidade indiscutível um outro passatempo, a pesca.
Original Music Composer
Pateta ilustra as várias modalidades olímpicas do atletismo, assim como os eventos e rituais relacionados à condução da tocha.
Original Music Composer
Pateta nos mostra o passatempo nacional. Após um breve resumo, temos uma demonstração dos muitos arremessos possíveis.
Original Music Composer
Apresentando personagens como Zé Carioca, Pedro, um avião mirim do correio e os famosos Pato Donald e Pateta, em aventuras espetaculares! Pato Donald é um turista americano que embarca em uma incrível viagem pelos Andes! Pedro é um aviãozinho que voa pelo Chile e enfrenta uma terrível tempestade, passando por maus bocados para atravessar o Monte Aconcágua. Em Buenos Aires, Pateta aprende a usar o equipamento de montaria e danças típicas argentinas. Recheado com coloridas cenas de Carnaval do Rio de Janeiro e músicas como "Aquarela do Brasil", Pato Donald conhece os pontos turísticos mais belos do Rio de Janeiro e de quebra ainda aprende a sambar.
Original Music Composer
Donald Fauntleroy Duck gets his draft notice and goes in, past all the amazingly enticing recruiting posters, to sign up. First he has to pass the physical. Despite his flat feet, he makes it. Donald wants to fly, but first he has to make it through Sergeant Pete's boot camp. He has a terrible time with close-order drills, and standing at attention without moving when he's over an ant-hill proves a real challenge. Eventually, Donald ends up on endless KP.
A história animada de Bambi, um jovem cervo saudado como o "Príncipe da Floresta" no seu nascimento. Como Bambi cresce, ele faz amizade com os outros animais da floresta, aprende as habilidades necessárias para sobreviver e até encontra o amor. Um dia, porém, os caçadores vem, e Bambi deve aprender a ser tão corajoso como seu pai, e levar os outros cervos para a segurança.
Original Music Composer
Donald e seus sobrinhos são funcionários de uma estação de corpo de bombeiros. Irritados com os roncos de Donald, eles tocam o alarme de incêndio.
Original Music Composer
Pluto wakes up in the morning seeing birds eating his dish. Pluto's dish is empty, and he is hungry. He goes after the bone in the dish ofButch the bulldog, who is sleeping next door. He sneaks carefully trying to not wake him up. Though he succeeds in stealing the bone, Butch eventually wakes up. Pluto comes back to his home ,about to enjoy the bone, until an angry Butch shows up. Soon they are chasing each other through town and into a deserted carnival. The gust of wind from the chase made a poster of a belly dancer look like it was belly dancing. They chased each other through a "Tunnel of Love" ride and Pluto lost Butch by going into into a hall of mirrors. Pluto was having fun with hall of mirrors until he sees Butch. Pluto takes advantage of one set of mirrors to successfully scare Butch off, and even gets to keep the bone. He winks at the mirrors and goes off with the bone.
Original Music Composer
Gepeto é um carpinteiro solitário que, um dia, resolve fazer um boneco de madeira para lhe fazer companhia. Durante a noite, a Fada Azul dá vida ao boneco, que passa a se chamar Pinóquio. Ansioso para se tornar um menino de verdade, Pinóquio se mete em várias confusões, apesar dos constantes avisos de seu amigo Grilo Falante. O boneco tem uma particularidade: sempre que mente seu nariz cresce. Até o dia em que precisa resgatar seu criador, quando ele fica preso na barriga de uma baleia.
Original Music Composer
Goofy goes fishing with his best friend, Wilbur, a grasshopper.
After his two brothers are captured, the third little pig invents a machine to capture the big bad wolf.
Original Music Composer
Donald and Goofy are trappers in the frozen south (Antarctica) with different approaches. Donald sees a penguin and dresses as one to lure her to the chopping block; Goofy baits a trap with fish (then acts like a walrus to capture one that steals his bait bucket).
Original Music Composer
A rainha malvada morre de ciúmes da beleza de Branca de Neve e manda mata-la. Logo, descobre que a jovem não morreu e está morando na floresta com sete amiguinhos. A princesa então é envenenada pela rainha e só o beijo de um príncipe pode salvá-la.
Mickey, Donald e Pateta limpam um enorme relógio.
Original Music Composer
A gangue está de férias. Pateta tem alguns problemas no surf, Donald aprende porquê não se deve usar uma saia havaiana perto do fogo, Pluto e uma estrela do mar têm uma pequena desavença, seguido de um encontro com um caranguejo eremita.
Original Music Composer
Pateta e Donald se vestem de alce fêmea para ajudar Mickey a capturar um alce.
Original Music Composer
Donald is courting Daisy (called Donna, here in her first appearance) Duck in Mexico. He arrives on a burro, which doesn't get along at all well with her; she convinces him to buy a car. They head through the desert, but the car breaks down, and throws Donald out, then takes off on its own with Daisy trapped inside the rumble seat. The car hits a rock, throwing Daisy into a mud puddle, to Donald's excessive amusement. Daisy pulls a unicycle from her purse, and rides off.
Original Music Composer
O encanador Donald está usando um grande ímã em seu trabalho. Quando ele cai,causa problemas para Pluto, especialmente depois que ele o engole,as coisas começam a se agarrar a ele,inclusive o seu prato de cachorro.
Original Music Composer
Mickey is ringmaster of a circus for orphans. Donald has a trained sea lion act, and does a bit of juggling himself. Mostly, though, he fights with a baby sea lion who keeps stealing both the fish and the show. Donald then finds himself and Mickey in an unrehearsed high wire act, which kicks into high gear when one of the orphans electrifies the wire. They end by doing a high dive into the seals' tank.
Mickey dorme enquanto lê Alice no País das Maravilhas, e se transporta para o outro lado do espelho.
Uncle Beans and the kids are off to visit a haunted ship ('The Phantom') trapped in the ice, hoping to find pirate treasure. They encounter all manner of ghosts and goblins, but eventually find what they've been looking for. When Beans tries to warm up by throwing some chairs in a stove and lighting it, he thaws out a pair of pirates that chase the trio around. They treasure-seekers are eventually forced back into their plane and they decide to fly away.
Original Music Composer
Mickey leads an 8-piece orchestra (that's counting the bass played by three birds as one) through the most recognizable parts of the Poet and Peasant Overture. The setting, as the title implies, is a barnyard, and some of the instrumentation reflects that (including various animals used as instruments, like a tuned group of piglets whose tails Mickey pulls).
Oswald takes a job as a lifeguard to keep an eye on Miss Rabbit, who in turn stages a boating accident hoping Oswald will come to save her.
Oswald's country is at war, like many other volunters he joins the army and finds himself soon in the trenches. A short battle leaves him wounded, but at least in the field hospital where his girlfriend is working.
Oswald wakes up grumpy and takes it out on his alarm clock, afterward trying his best to wake up the mechanical cow sleeping in the bed beside him, with limited success. They finally do get going, sailing around the barnyard offering milk to denizens of the farm. When kidnappers arrive and takes Oswald's girlfriend away, he and the cow set off to rescue her.
Oswald's sweetheart is stolen by a schoolyard bully, so he has to fight him during recess to win her back.
Alice and Julius are in a traveling medicine show, and part of their job is to sell patent medicine to audiences.
Alice and Julius have to hold their western fort against The Three Bad Eggs and a band of marauding Indians.
Pete, dressed in a suit of armor, steals away the female that Julius is after. So Julius devises his own suit of armor, made mostly out of junk, to win her back.
Alice, Julius and Peter enter a road race. Pete, of course, tries to cheat by pulling such stunts as switching road signs, but Julius is on to Pete's tricks.