Kendall Chappell

Kendall Chappell


Kendall Chappell


Continência ao Amor
Uma música e um militar prestes a ir para a guerra se casam por conveniência. Mas uma tragédia transforma esse relacionamento de fachada em realidade.
Titanic 666
Depois que um navio de cruzeiro gigante navega sobre o local do desastre do Titanic, eventos sombrios e mortais começam a ocorrer a bordo. Quando o capitão do navio investiga as trágicas ocorrências, torna-se claro que os passageiros do Titanic original voltaram.
Couples of Wife Carrying
Trina Thorne
A sports mockumentary that follows two couples as they compete to win the North American wife-carrying championships.
The Departure
Before leaving Los Angeles to start a new job in New York, Nate, with the help of his best friend John, devises a wicked plan to test his girlfriend's loyalty.
Amor e Dúvida
Um casal branco que vem tentando ter filhos há algum tempo finalmente consegue conceber. Porém, quando inexplicavelmente nasce uma criança de pele negra, os mais puros laços de amor, confiança e amizade entre eles começam a se desfazer.
University Estate
Vanessa White
It's the last day before Spring break, college student Robby Turnwell is in for the week of his life. Once he gets an unexpected call from his older brother Jake to house sit, the life he once knew gets turned upside down in this hilarious comedy. From an out of control party to encounters with gangsters, police, and more, Robby reinvents the rule book on college mischief.
Mirror Site
A young man finds himself questioning his reality through an eerie repetitive phone-call.