David Yelland

David Yelland

Nascimento : 1947-01-01, UK


David William Yelland is an English film, stage and television actor.


David Yelland


Fúria em Alto Mar
Dono de métodos próprios nada convencionais, o Comandante Joe Glass (Gerard Butler) é o responsável por liderar uma delicada missão pelas perigosas águas do Mar de Barents à bordo do submarino USS Arkansas. O objetivo da tarefa é monitorar a atividade militar russa na região após outro submarino americano desaparecer naqueles mares. Enquanto isso, a situação política na região se acirra ao ponto de Glass ter de tomar decisões cruciais para impedir que se deflagre um conflito de escala continental entre as duas potências.
Happy End
Directeur de banque
Uma família de classe média que vive em Calais foca em seus interesses pessoais enquanto as condições nos campos de refugiados a poucas milhas de sua casa são sombrias.
Martin Bell
In June 2003, Reg Keys and his wife Sally return to their home in the Welsh countryside. As they switch on the TV to hear six military policemen have been murdered in Iraq, two men arrive bearing the terrible news that their son, Tom, was among them.
Private Peaceful
General Haigh
Durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial, dois irmãos que disputam o amor de uma mesma garota têm suas vidas viradas de cabeça para baixo quando são forçados a se juntarem ao exército britânico. Baseado no livro "Private Peaceful" do célebre autor inglês Michael Morpurgo, que teve um dos livros recentemente adaptado para o cinema por Steven Spielberg - "Cavalo de Guerra".
May We Borrow Your Husband?
An author seeking solitude in a small hotel in the South of France is an unwilling witness to a relationship between a young couple and two interior designers.
Star Quality
Tony Orford
Lorraine Barrie, a fading but brilliant actress with a penchant for manipulating every theatrical endeavour to her best advantage, meets her match when she must trust her success to an equally willful stage director.
Spider's Web
Jeremy Warrender
Clarissa, the wife of a Foreign Office diplomat, is given to daydreaming. 'Supposing I were to come down one morning and find a dead body in the library, what should I do?' she muses. Clarissa has her chance to find out when she discovers a body in the drawing-room of her house in Kent.
Iago and a comrade-in-arms are outside the Venice home of Desdemona's father, who does not yet know that she has eloped with Othello. Iago confides to his friend -- who had hoped to marry Desdemona -- that he serves Othello to further his own ends. Venice needs Othello to protect its commercial interests in Cyprus where the Turkish fleet is headed. Desdemona insists on going to Cyprus, too. In Cyprus, Iago plots to convince Othello that Desdemona has betrayed him with Cassio. A lot more than political ambition seems to be motivating Iago.
Carruagens de Fogo
Prince of Wales
Na Inglaterra dos anos 1920, dois rapazes treinam para disputar as provas de atletismo das Olimpíadas de 1924. Harold é um estudante judeu e Eric filho de um missionário escocês e ambos lutam por razões diferentes pelo título de homem mais veloz do mundo. Oscar de melhor filme, roteiro, música e figurino.
Facing The Sun
Winsome art critic Peter visits married artists Gilberto and Vera in Brazil for Christmas. Gilberto and Peter are more than friends though, and jealous romantic entanglements ensue when it becomes apparent that Gilberto’s marriage is not over just yet.
Rumpole of the Bailey
Nick Rumpole
An irreverent barrister chooses to defend a young Jamaican boy accused of stabbing on the same day his only son leaves for college in America.