Rosanna DeSoto

Rosanna DeSoto

Nascimento : 1950-09-02, San Jose, California, USA


Rosanna DeSoto é uma atriz americana que se apresentou em filmes e televisão. Ela é mais conhecida por seus papéis em Stand and Deliver, pelo qual ela ganhou um Independent Spirit Award de Melhor Mulher de Apoio, e em Star Trek VI: O País Não Descoberto como Azetbur, a filha do Chanceler Klingon Gorkon.


Rosanna DeSoto


A Bad Feeling
The day after suffering a miscarriage, a young couple attend their local comic con.
Wooly Boys
A sheep rancher's visit to the big city triggers a mischevious adventure with his teenage grandson.
Mambo Café: Servindo à Máfia
"Mambo Café" conta a história uma família porto-riquenha residente em Nova Iorque, proprietária de um restaurante situado no bairro de Harlem ,que armam um plano mirabolante para atrair clientes para o restaurante da família. Thalía interpreta Nydia uma estudante de faculdade que finge ser rica para impressionar seu namorado de família nobre.
The 24 Hour Woman
Grace tries to be the perfect mother and TV producer but finds trouble in juggling both.
Thicker Than Blood
Griffin Byrne is the idealistic new history, English and maths teacher in Father Frank Larkin's school in a mainly Latino ghetto neighborhood where most kids, even many of its graduates, end up in crime and poverty. He takes a particular interest in one of the boys nobody believes will ever come to anything, Lee Cortes, who he finds to be a prodigy in cartoon drawing but who never spoke a word at school, and always wears a Walkman, essentially because of his home situation: his elder brother Tyro, a drug dealer, abuses him and his mother, so he often stays home to mind the smallest siblings. Griffin tries everything to help Lee, despite everyones cynicism, even takes him in his bachelor flat, but finds the whole family situation must be solved, which is probably beyond his power, yet tries tireless, even if he gets nothing but abuse and the results seem to do more hurting then helping...
Kissing Miranda
Carmen Ortega
A young man falls in love with a co-worker's mail order bride from Latin America.
Child of Rage
A priest and his wife adopt a brother and sister, but the girl has terrible outbursts of rage.
Diego Rivera: I Paint What I See
Frida Kahlo
The first biographical film on the famed Mexican artist, traces his life from childhood through his Cubist period, his leading role in the Mexican mural renaissance, his fame as a muralist in the USA, and his later years. The film explores Rivera's life and work, including his stormy relationship with Frida Kahlo and the destruction of his famous mural at Rockefeller Center. Shot on location in Mexico and the United States, the film includes a remarkable collection of archival film and photographs, much of which has not been seen before. The text is drawn from the writings of Rivera and Kahlo and from other historical texts. Using Rivera's own words, this richly detailed film brings to life the difficulty he faced in his transition from studio artist to public and political artist, and the conflicts that arose from that point onward.
Jornada nas Estrelas VI: A Terra Desconhecida
Após a explosão da lua Praxis os klingons são obrigados a propor um acordo de paz, para garantir a sobrevivência de sua espécie. A tripulação da Enterprise é convocada a escoltar a missão diplomática klingoniana até o local a reunião, mas a nave klingon é atacada e o seu chanceler acaba sendo morto. E tudo indica que o ataque partiu justamente da Enterprise.
Negócios de Família
Quando é libertado um velho (Sean Connery) acostumado a aplicar golpes convida o neto (Matthew Broderick), que deseja seguir seus passos, a ajuda-lo em um assalto. Mas o pai do jovem (Dustin Hoffman), um ex-assaltante, reluta em apoiar tal empreitada.
Face of the Enemy
Neiloufar Mobbasser
Face of the Enemy, a haunting psychological thriller, delivers a gripping emotional drama on the impacts of international terrorism- Years after his release from captivity as a hostage during the US embassy hostage crisis in Tehran, a former US intelligence officer comes face to face with one of his former Iranian captors in Los Angeles.
O Preço do Desafio
Fabiola Escalante
O professor Jaime Escalante tenta educar uma classe de alunos problemáticos em um bairro pobre de Los Angeles. Para motivar os jovens, a maioria de ascendência mexicana como ele, o professor resolve apelar para sua própria herança cultural. Assim, ele evoca latino-americanos famosos por seus feitos para demonstrar a importância do aprendizado na conquista da cidadania. Paulatinamente, a maré vira a seu favor.
La Bamba
Connie Valenzuela
La Bamba descreve a ascenção meteórica de um rapaz de 17 anos, de descendência mexicana, desde seu trabalho no campo até ser um astro do rock nos Estados Unidos, mostrando seus grandes sucessos e o seu encontro com o destino. Impulsionado pelos hits de Richie Valens, nas interpretações ganhadoras de um Grammy pela banda Los Lobos, bem como de clássicas dos anos 1950, La Bamba recria os emocionantes primeiros dias do rock e presta uma homenagem ao legado de um inesquecível talento, cuja música ultrapassou todas as fronteiras.
Sobre Ontem a Noite
Mrs. Lyons
Danny e Debbie tiveram uma noite de sexo casual após se conhecerem em um bar. Entretanto, sem querer, agora estão apaixonados. O problema é que a sociedade que os rodeia parece atentar permanentemente contra o casal.
Cops in a small town near the Mexican border find themselves caught up in a scheme that smuggles illegal aliens into the country.
Women of San Quentin
Adele Reynosa
A young female prison guard finds out that her first assignment is to San Quentin, one of the toughest prisons in the country.
A Balada de Gregório Cortez
Carlotta Muñoz
Forced to run from the Texas Rangers after a heated misunderstanding leads to the death of a lawman, Mexican American farmer Gregorio Cortez sets off in desperate flight, evading a massive manhunt on horseback for days.
Esquecendo o Passado
Ellen Sedgewick
Doc, who has just moved to Cannery Row, realizes that the only entertainment is the brothel. There he meets the spunky Suzy and they fall in love, giving them both a renewed chance at life.
300 Miles for Stephanie
A San Antonio cop, as an act of faith, vows to run more than 300 miles in five days, hoping his critically ill five-year-old daughter will survive to greet him at the finish.
O Atrevido Jogo da Burguesia
A man resists the California fads that his wife, friends and wealthy Marin County neighbors embrace. Based on the serial by Cyra McFadden in the San Francisco Chronicle in the 70s, satirizing the lifestyle trends of the local elite - from open marriages and organic food to New Age cults.
The In-Laws
In preparation for his daughter's wedding, dentist Sheldon Kornpett meets Vince Ricardo, the groom's father. Vince, a manic fellow who claims to be a government agent, then proceeds to drag Sheldon into a series of chases and misadventures from New York to Central America.