Martin Vårdstedt


Tystnaden - en film om Silence, musiken och tiden
Executive Producer
Silence Records is a record label run by the sound engineer Anders Lind together with Eva Wilke and later also Nikolaj Steenstrup. For decades, the company has provided us with innovative, intrinsic and magical music.
The Undefeated Femininity
Executive Producer
"The Undefeated Femininity" - a film about Gun Grut Bergman. In September 1949 Ingmar Bergman left his wife and five children, and escaped to Paris with a new woman, Gun Grut. It was the beginning of a passionate love affair, an enduring jealousy drama and a new theme in Bergman's films. Now their son, Ingmar Bergman Jr, walks in his parents' footsteps, from Paris to the home on Grev Turegatan 69 in Stockholm.