Better out than in, I always say.
please let me in. i want more! i need more! let me in!
donald and daffy talking to eachother.
no one can hear you when you're floating and struggling through a midst of thick mash potato-esque substance and colours in a constant state of unhappy happiness.
I asked a few people how they would feel about masturbating or having group sex when other guys are involved, and some of them got very angry and made homophobic comments. So I made an animation celebrating sexual curiosity – if it feels good for everyone, do it and have a good time.
I used to be a vegetarian. Pigs used to be my friends. Now, I eat them quite a lot.
Short animated film by Peter Millard
A group of four friends get together and discuss how they want to touch an egg.
please wake up peter. please wake up. you need to learn your alphabet now peter.
Peter Millard is back and he still isn’t finished trying to break all the rules of cinema.
I get up and have breakfast. Don't get old. I'm so Unhappy Happy.
A little animated conversation between Peter Millard and Reka Bucsi. We drew 250 frames each, than swapped frames. I animated on his sequence, and he did the same thing on mine. Without knowing where the other person was going, we animated straight ahead without a plan. The film was part of an exhibition we did together at Vienna Museumsquartier - ASIFAKEIL
A little animated conversation between Peter Millard and Reka Bucsi. We drew 250 frames each, than swapped frames. I animated on his sequence, and he did the same thing on mine. Without knowing where the other person was going, we animated straight ahead without a plan. The film was part of an exhibition we did together at Vienna Museumsquartier - ASIFAKEIL
A container filled with explosive or incendiary material, designed to explode on impact or when detonated by a timing, proximity, or remote-control device. I want some breakfast and get on with my day.
Lemon cranberry apple banana cucumber orange lime are a selection of fruit fruit.
I once lived in a Boogodobiegodongo and I felt better.
This is my graduation film from The university of Wales Newport 2010.
Part of a lip sync project with archived sounds at the royal college of art which featured chopped up sounds from several interviews taking from the National War Museum.
Originally part of a sound scape exercise in my second year at Newport university.
Bluuuurgh is also part of the traveling spike and mike sick and twisted show.
Dr. Richard Fain
Amy, Travis e Graham são três estudantes de cinema que ambicionam triunfar em Hollywood. Para isso, têm de elaborar um trabalho final e "sobreviver" (literalmente!) ao último semestre na universidade. O melhor dos três ganhará o prémio Hitchcock, que para além de incluir uma choruda quantia de dinheiro, lhe abrirá as portas da indústria do cinema. Com isso em mente, Amy decide afastar-se do género documental e rodar um filme de terror baseado numa lenda urbana...
Quando jovem, Alan Riply (Joseph Fiennes) vive um caso tórrido com Ella Brice (Gretchen Mol). Mas o marido dela, Mark (Ray Liotta), descobre a traição e manda alguns capangas darem uma lição no rapaz para afastá-lo da mulher. Passados 14 anos, Alan retorna sob nova identidade e propõe negócios com Marc, uma boa desculpa para rever Ella e se vingar.