"Out of the Grey" tells the story of Laura, a pregnant environmental refugee who is forced to leave her haven in the hope of finding medical support and safety for her unborn baby. The film touches on present-day issues such as the cost of living, global warming, and the refugee crisis in an inhospitable world.
"Out of the Grey" tells the story of Laura, a pregnant environmental refugee who is forced to leave her haven in the hope of finding medical support and safety for her unborn baby. The film touches on present-day issues such as the cost of living, global warming, and the refugee crisis in an inhospitable world.
"Out of the Grey" tells the story of Laura, a pregnant environmental refugee who is forced to leave her haven in the hope of finding medical support and safety for her unborn baby. The film touches on present-day issues such as the cost of living, global warming, and the refugee crisis in an inhospitable world.
A desperate woman tries to make sense of the supernatural occurrences bringing chaos to her young family. Things take a turn when the midwife pays a visit.
Animation Coordinator
Num futuro distópico, situado em 2044, Wade Watts, como o resto da humanidade, prefere a realidade virtual do jogo OASIS ao mundo real. No jogo, seus usuários devem descobrir a chave de um quebra-cabeça diabólico, baseado na cultura do final do século XX, para conquistar um prêmio de valor inestimável. Para vencê-lo, porém, Watts terá de abandonar a existência virtual e ceder a uma vida de amor e realidade da qual sempre tentou fugir.