Benedek Kabán


Not My Skin
A teenage girl suffering from a traumatizing injury is tangled in a web of lies trying to manage her studies, her prom night and a boy who might be interested in her.
Wild Horses - A Tale From The Puszta
Meet Dot, the little wild horse foal. She is a Przewalski's horse: the only true wild horse species of the world. Although the origin of this endangered species is in Mongolia, Dot lives in the heart of Europe, on the grassy plains of Hungary called the "Puszta". 25 years ago some were introduced here and the horses instantly formed an organic connection with this magical land with rich and unique wildlife. Today this is one of the largest Przewalski's horse herds on the planet. This is their story.
Judgment & Grace
The story takes place at the time of the defeat of the Hungarian War of Independence, when Csákberény came under the terror of the imperial soldiers. Two priests from the village are arrested overnight for reading the Hungarian Declaration of Independence. Although the Austrian soldiers enjoy their power, they are unable to identify with the repression. The purpose of the trial of a military imprisonment court is to obtain a confession, to prove that a violation of sovereignty has been committed.
As Cores de Tobi
Nesta inspiradora história, mãe e filho lutam para se reconectar depois que ele começou sua transição de gênero. Enquanto ela vive sentimentos de perda, ele lida com a construção de sua nova identidade.
How Far The Stars
József é um pianista que funde jazz contemporâneo com música cigana. Após conhecer Tim Ries, lenda do saxofone, ele sonha escapar da Hungria e ter sucesso na América, porém, aprende que a viagem em si é mais importante do que o destino.
The White Reindeer
Imagine one of the most remote wildernesses in the world. Granddaughter Masha and Vladimir, the protagonists of this story from Central Siberia try the impossible to keep their nomadic traditions alive.
No Limite da Mentira
David, Rachel e Stephan são ex-agentes do serviço secreto israelense que capturaram um criminoso nazista nos anos 60, mas em 1997 surgem desdobramentos do caso que podem ameaçar a reputação dos três.
Messages of the Sea
Digital Intermediate Colorist
A man witnesses the drastic changes in society as he goes back to the Alexandria of his youth.
Refém do Espírito
Depois que Marnie Watson mata seu marido abusivo em legítima defesa, ela é condenada a prisão domiciliar ... apenas para descobrir que a casa está possuída pelo espírito enfurecido e violento de seu falecido marido.
The Eighth Day of the Week
After her husband's death, Hanna Szendroy, the former primadonna, portrayed by Maya Komorowska is caught in the claws of the real estate mafia. She looses her lavish home and ends up homeless at the Keleti train station. When she returns to her house, now full of homeless people moved in by the real estate mafia, an unexpected relationship brings hope into her life again.
Dia de Ira
Telecine Colorist
At the height of the Spanish Inquisition, high-ranking noblemen begin dropping like flies, with alarming frequency and unexplained violence. But can local 16th-century sheriff Ruy de Mendoza (Christopher Lambert) discern who's responsible when no one wants to cooperate? After all, before Mendoza can even identify the bodies, the crime scenes are mysteriously cleared -- and the villagers pretend the murders never happened.