Chandlo is an upcoming Gujarati movie scheduled to be released on 22 Jul, 2023. The movie is directed by Hardik Gajjar and will feature Manav Gohil, Shraddha Dangar, Jayesh More and Kajal Oza Vaidya as lead characters.
Srikant's life turns upside down when he bumps into a middle-aged ghost who claims to be his grandson from his previous birth. Things take an even more comical turn when the ghost seeks Srikant's help to meet his long-lost love.
Srikant's life turns upside down when he bumps into a middle-aged ghost who claims to be his grandson from his previous birth. Things take an even more comical turn when the ghost seeks Srikant's help to meet his long-lost love.
The story is about the dream of Rajaram and its impact on the society. Rajaram an enthusiast by nature had only one dream of becoming an actor since his childhood. Being a village resident, he was deprived of that chance to live his dream. Will the duo be able to survive the obstacles or become a victim and succumb to the blind beliefs of the society? Who is the real Ravan, Rajaram or We "The Society"?
The story is about the dream of Rajaram and its impact on the society. Rajaram an enthusiast by nature had only one dream of becoming an actor since his childhood. Being a village resident, he was deprived of that chance to live his dream. Will the duo be able to survive the obstacles or become a victim and succumb to the blind beliefs of the society? Who is the real Ravan, Rajaram or We "The Society"?
The story is about the dream of Rajaram and its impact on the society. Rajaram an enthusiast by nature had only one dream of becoming an actor since his childhood. Being a village resident, he was deprived of that chance to live his dream. Will the duo be able to survive the obstacles or become a victim and succumb to the blind beliefs of the society? Who is the real Ravan, Rajaram or We "The Society"?
Visual Effects Coordinator
A professora de Horticultura Happy chega em Xangai e a outra Happy junto com o marido Guddu também chega na cidade chinesa ao mesmo tempo. Gangsteres que vieram sequestrar Happy e seu marido, pegam a Happy errada, enquanto Guddu e sua esposa Happy são acompanhados até uma universidade para fazerem uma palestra.