Zach Stokes
For Wanda and Zach, Future Families is a lifetime opportunity: a virtual parenting system that gives their baby access to a better life. But they soon realize this technology may come at a higher cost. For first-time parents Wanda and Zach, Future Families is a lifetime opportunity: a virtual childcare system that gives their baby access to a better life. Sponsored by the company where Wanda works, this technology allows her to leave her son connected to a virtual version of herself while she works additional hours. The possibilities are endless: the baby can learn anything that Artificial Intelligence teaches him, has medical support and is always taken care of by the virtual mother. Who hasn’t believed that technology would make their lives easier—only to find there’s often a downside? Wanda will soon realize that her company has a secret agenda, and this technology may come at a higher cost.
French Guy
A buddy comedy about two grown boys trying to survive the economic downturn in 2009.
Running Lawyer
Um grupo de 80 pessoas, aparentemente sem nada em comum, aparece misteriosamente em um local desconhecido. Lá, eles ouvem as regras sinistras de uma corrida na qual todos devem competir e só um deles pode sair vivo.
Jim the Tech
No Rio Amazonas, um grupo encontra a Megapiranha, uma espécie pré-histórica, que supostamente morreu há milhões de anos e ainda vive isolada num afluente do rio. Mas através da interferência humana no ambiente local, as megapiranhas conseguem escapar de seu local isolado, matando todos que cruzam seu caminho, indo em direção da Flórida, no auge da temporada turística