Gerry Walsh


As Cinzas de Ângela
Based on the best selling autobiography by Irish expat Frank McCourt, Angela's Ashes follows the experiences of young Frankie and his family as they try against all odds to escape the poverty endemic in the slums of pre-war Limerick. The film opens with the family in Brooklyn, but following the death of one of Frankie's siblings, they return home, only to find the situation there even worse. Prejudice against Frankie's Northern Irish father makes his search for employment in the Republic difficult despite his having fought for the IRA, and when he does find money, he spends the money on drink.
The Informant
Clerk of the Court
A former Irish Republican Army fighter, Gingy McAnally (Anthony Brophy), is reluctant about being called back into service after serving time in prison. He executes the grisly task but ends up captured by a sympathetic British police lieutenant named Ferris (Cary Elwes). The intimidating Chief Inspector of the Belfast Police (Timothy Dalton) convinces Gingy that his best hope is to become an informant and turn in other IRA operatives. As Gingy's marriage unravels under the stress, he is forced to come to terms with the fact that in this war both sides lose. Three men, three political circles, each fighting for their lives, each with their own agenda in the battle for Northern Ireland.
Piratas do Espaço
Fat Jacker
No ano de 2196,John Canyon,ganha a vida transportando mercadorias com a sua pequena nave.Em uma de suas paradas,ele compra uma briga com a Companhia,uma organização dirigida com rédeas de aço.Para sair ileso do conflito,ele concorda em se associar ao jovem Mike Pucci para transportar um contêiner lacrado,cujo conteúdo é um grande mistério.Não demora muito para Canyon perceber que entrou numa fria.
Circle of Friends
Mr Flood
Three girlhood friends now at college share first loves, first kisses and first betrayals. At the center of it all is the best-looking boy on campus. Can a self-conscious dreamer hook the biggest fish in the pond?
Um Sonho Distante
A trama se passa em 1892 e tem início na Irlanda. Joseph Donnelly é um jovem analfabeto que se revolta contra um poderoso proprietário de terras, por considerá-lo responsável pela morte de seu pai. Durante um duelo, uma jovem passa com uma carroça e salva a sua vida. Insatisfeitos com a vida que levavam, eles decidem partir para os Estados Unidos, atrás do sonho americano.
Monster - A Ressurreição do Mal
Dennis McHugh
Ireland will never be the same after Rawhead Rex, a particularly nasty demon, is released from his underground prison by an unwitting farmer. The film follows Rex's cross country rampage, while a man struggles to stop it.
Site Foreman
Grim tale of marginalized souls in an apocalyptic Dublin inner city. Jimmy takes up residence in a derelict and once elegant house in a no-go inner area. He is soon joined by other squatters, George a business man trying to retain some dignity, Ronnie a drug dealer, Tom a paranoiac, Orwell a Jamaican pimp and his prostitute Mary