Lou Rambert Preiss


Stone Age
In a great rock quarry, an explosion unveils an object from a different time.
Stone Age
In a great rock quarry, an explosion unveils an object from a different time.
Stone Age
In a great rock quarry, an explosion unveils an object from a different time.
Jonathan, a solitary adolescent, secretly dresses up like his favorite virtual female singer. When he finds someone like him on the internet, he dreams of meeting up to share a little humanity.
Sound Editor
Two young boys have stolen some expensive scarves and are being pursued. To get out of town, they hijack a young lady’s vehicle. She ends up following them as they flee.
A companion to the director's Le Dos Rouge/Portrait of the Artist. A famous filmmaker works on his next film, which will focus on monstrosity. He is obsessed by the idea of finding a painting that will be central to the film and will crystallize all the power and beauty of monsters.
Premier anniversaire
One year after the death of his father, a young boy makes the journey to province to meet his grandparents who he does not know, to try to convince them to give him his father's ashes. With his father's friend, he looks for the right place to release his father by scattering his ashes.
Em Paris
Paul está deprimido por ter se separado de Anna e volta para Paris, onde vai morar com o pai divorciado e o irmão mais novo, Jonathan. Enquanto o despreocupado irmão e o sempre alegre e companheiro pai tentam em vão reanimá-lo, só uma visita de sua mãe parece lhe trazer a alegria de volta. Quando um dia Paul fica em casa e se entrosa e conversa com uma das namoradas do irmão, ele começa a pensar que, enquanto as coisas não saem como planejadas, é sempre possível encontrar algum motivo para viver.
La nuit sera longue
It is the story of a prohibited and perverted identification: how an eight-year-old boy, entrusted to the care of his mother since the separation of the parents, meets and looks at his father, all day long.