Ambientado no mundo da Nação Comanche no início de 1700, "O Predador: A Caçada" é a história não contada de uma jovem guerreira altamente qualificada, desesperada para proteger seu povo do perigo iminente. Ela persegue e finalmente confronta sua presa, que acaba sendo um predador alienígena altamente evoluído com um arsenal tecnologicamente avançado, resultando em um confronto brutal e aterrorizante entre os adversários.
Dois homens aprendem a lidar com um segredo traumático que compartilham sobre o assassinato selvagem de um colega de escola.
A group of outcast teens must flee their hometown of South Central to protect their big blue alien friend from a ban against its kind. Though he seems soft and cuddly, the government has deemed Yoshua to be anything but. When law enforcement tightens their hunt for Yoshua, will his friends stay by his side?
In the midst of college application season, Ace struggles with the choice between going off to California to pursue her passion for photography at an art school or staying at home with her father in Atlanta after the recent death of her mother. Ace’s late mother’s memory remains a strong presence as she takes a surreal journey through the city to reconcile her future and her relationship with her father.