Amiel Cayo


The Punishment
Alejandra returns to Peru. She discovers that her father is alive and in prison. Soon, her journey will become a voyage of inner discovery that will bring her closer to her father, her country, and her own identity.
Até a Próxima Vez
Em meio às belas paisagens do Peru, um arquiteto viciado em trabalho conhece uma artista que vive viajando. Esse encontro casual muda as vidas dos dois para sempre.
The highest peaks of the mountains rage rise above the clouds. The high mountains rage of the mountains rise above the clouds. Sometimes they seem to merge with the sky. There is no god and neither there is devil. We are in the heights of the Peruvian Andes, more than 5000 meters above sea level, where Celestino a peasant hermit undertakes a healing journey with his cow Samichay, from the loneliness and height of the Andes to the chaos of urbanization and villages.
The highest peaks of the mountains rage rise above the clouds. The high mountains rage of the mountains rise above the clouds. Sometimes they seem to merge with the sky. There is no god and neither there is devil. We are in the heights of the Peruvian Andes, more than 5000 meters above sea level, where Celestino a peasant hermit undertakes a healing journey with his cow Samichay, from the loneliness and height of the Andes to the chaos of urbanization and villages.
Caixa de Recordações
No alto das remotas montanhas do Peru, Segundo, um garoto de 14 anos, está se preparando para seguir os passos profissionais do pai. Trabalhando como artesão, ele produz retábulos, tradicionais caixas coloridas que retratam cenas religiosas e eventos cotidianos. O menino reverencia o ofício, mas se depara com um chocante segredo do pai, que acaba por revelar a paisagem profundamente religiosa e conservadora que o cerca.
The remains of a male body that disappeared during the years of political violence have been exhumed, but nobody claims them. Now the only clue to his identify is the picture of a smiling girl found in his shirt pocket. Only a blurred photograph, a snapshot of a time and a memory…