Pierre Lagardère


Bâtiment 5
Second Assistant Director
This charts the journey of a fierce young woman, Habi, and a budding new mayor, Pierre, crossing paths in an underprivileged suburb on the outskirts of Paris. Habi, a native of the suburb who is involved in social orgs helping locals, becomes a political figure. Pierre, meanwhile, is a former doctor who takes the city’s reins after the mayor’s death and sets off to follow his agenda.
First Assistant Director
Sons of Ramses
Second Assistant Director
Thirty-four year old Ramsès has established himself as a clairvoyant in La Goutte d’Or, Paris. A shrewd manipulator and something of a poet, he built a sound business consoling people. Elusive and dangerous youths, freshly arrived from the streets of Tangier, disrupt his business and the whole neighbourhood. Until the day Ramses has an actual vision.
Winter Boy
Second Assistant Director
Lucas is 17 when his teenage world is suddenly shattered. He views his life as a wild animal in need of taming. Between a brother settled in Paris and a mother with whom he now lives alone, Lucas will to have to fight to rediscover hope and love.
Ultra Dramatic Kid
Assistant Director
Second Assistant Director
A rotina de um casal idoso, acompanhada lado a lado. Quando a doença da mulher se agrava, o perigo da morte opõe-se à vontade da independência.
Second Assistant Director
Um grupo de jovens dançarinos se reúne em uma remota escola vazia para a última noite de ensaio antes do espetáculo. Em comemoração, eles fazem uma festa que dura a noite toda, que se torna um pesadelo alucinante quando os dançarinos descobrem que alguém misturou um potente LSD na sangria que estão bebendo. Da euforia ao caos, paixões, rivalidades e violência em meio a um colapso psicodélico coletivo se transformam em armas para uma verdadeira tragédia.
Les Misérables
Second Assistant Director
Com uma arma no cinto e um cassetete na mão, Pento acaba de se juntar à brigada anticrime de Seine-Saint-Denis. Com seus colegas, ele desenvolve métodos específicos.