Maksim Shtraukh

Maksim Shtraukh

Nascimento : 1900-02-22, Moscow, Russian Empire, [now Russia]

Morte : 1974-01-03


Maksim Shtraukh


Lenin in Poland
Vladimir Lenin
The life of the great Bolshevik leader before the Russian revolution is chronicled in this bio-pic. Much of the tale centers on his exile in Poland where Lenin becomes friends with two peasants. The little girl has a strong belief in the nationalist cause. Later Lenin hears she was killed for withholding information about him.
Stories About Lenin
V. I. Lenin
A few stories about Vladimir Lenin.
Leningrad Symphony
During the brutal siege of Leningrad in the Second World War, musicians are able to stage a public performance of the Seventh Symphony by Dmitry Shostakovich.
Murder on Dante Street
Filipp Tibo, muzh Madlen
A story about tragic events in France during the German occupation in WWII.
Case No. 306
Александр Иркутов
While investigating a regular traffic accidents detectives find evidence of foreign intelligence involvement.
Conspiracy of the Doomed
In an Eastern European country, a strong political struggle breaks out over the possibility of accepting aid from the Marshall Plan or signing a cooperation treaty with the Soviet Union.
The Fall of Berlin
Party official
Surrounded by a few party officials, Alexei Ivanov, a stakhanovist smelter, is decorated by Stalin. The "Little Father of the Peoples" takes this opportunity to invoke threats of war.... One day, war indeed breaks out. Bombs fall on the field where Alexei finds himself in the company of the schoolmistress Natacha, his fiancée. Alexei joins the Red Army and soon becomes a sergeant. Fighting rages and German troops advance. Natacha is arrested and deported. But the tide turns decisively with the German defeat at Stalingrad. Now the major offensive against Hitler can begin.
Sud chesti
Light over Russia
Memories of the old Baltic sailor who participated in a revolution and a few wars...
The Vow
Rogers, American journalist
The story of Stalin and the Soviet people.
The Lucky Bride
Ivan Mordashov
After the victory on Napoleon a hussar returns to Moscow. He is met by a desperate man who offers him a deal: marry his daughter before she turns 18 and inherit a huge fortune from her rich, eccentric aunt. There is also another condition...
Two Soldiers
A story about the friendship between two young men, two soldiers - Arkady from Odessa and Sasha from Ural.
His Name Is Sukhe-Bator
Vladimir Lenin
The film tells about the founder of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party, the leader of the Mongolian People's Revolution - Damdin Sukhe-Bator.
Yakov Sverdlov
The Vyborg Side
V. I. Lenin
The final part of trilogy about the life of a young factory worker, Maxim. Following the Russian Revolution, Maksim is appointed state commissar in charge of the national bank. With great efforts, he learns the complexies of the banking trade and begins to fight off sabotaging underlings. Dymba, now a violent enemy of the Republic, tries to rob a wine store but is arrested with Maksim's help. Maksim also exposes a conspiracy of a group of tsarist officers who prepare an attempt against Lenin. He then joins the Red Army in its fight against the German occupation.
Doctor Aybolit
Dr. Aybolit
A funny comedy about doctor Aybolit and his assistants and patients - all animals.
A Severe Young Man
Fyodor Tsitronov
The film’s content makes no concessions to the usual expectations of Soviet audiences of the 1930s. The cast of characters is extremely unlikely in almost every conventional respect. The action involves the household of the prominent Dr. Stepanov and his young wife, Masha, who share their large and richly adorned mansion with the parasitical Fedor Tsitronov, whose presence in the household is given only the most implausible of explanations. Equally implausible is the acquaintance of the family with the young and proud Grisha Fokin, whose leadership role in the Young Communist League is never clearly defined and who is never seen engaged in any work or professional activity.
Conveyor of Death
Directed by Ivan Pyryev.
Directed by Hans Richter.
During the Russian Civil War, pilot Sergey Sedov engages in battle with the Black Cat enemy fighter, controlled by the famous pilot Baru. In the battle, Sedov wounded Baru, but Sedov's plane fell apart in the air. Sedov was only miraculously saved. A few years later, Sedov and Baru meet in international competitions in Tehran. Baru are to defend the honor of a French company, Sedov and his student Ivanov - the honor of their country. In the end, the defeated Baru can only express hope of a rematch during a new meeting with Sedov in a future war. The film has not survived.
The Civil Servant
A humble and honest cashier is robbed while carrying a large sum of money and the bag ends up in the basement of a building. When he later discovers that the robber has not taken it with him, he decides to keep the money making everyone believe that the thief has the bag.
The Ghost That Never Returns
Police agent
The rebel leader Jose Real is allowed to leave prison for one day to visit his family. But it is a ruse to make him reveal the whereabouts of his rebel gang. This existential drama disguised as a saga about the proletarian struggle presents a lonely and insecure individual who is challenged to act more heroically than he is prepared to, but who constantly questions his confidence and loyalties.
Velho e Novo
Assistant Director
Uma mulher em uma cidade rural lida com as novas formas de comunismo
Assistant Director
Em tom de documentário, o filme recria acontecimentos em Petrogrado, na Rússia, desde o fim da monarquia, em fevereiro de 1917, até o fim do governo provisório em novembro do mesmo ano.
The Fankony Cafe
O Encouraçado Potemkin
Assistant Director
Em 1905, na Rússia czarista, aconteceu um levante que pressagiou a Revolução de 1917. Tudo começou no navio de guerra Potemkin quando os marinheiros estavam cansados de serem maltratados, sendo que até carne estragada lhes era dada com o médico de bordo insistindo que ela era perfeitamente comestível. Alguns marinheiros se recusam em comer esta carne, então os oficiais do navio ordenam a execução deles. A tensão aumenta e, gradativamente, a situação sai cada vez mais do controle. Logo depois dos gatilhos serem apertados Vakulinchuk (Aleksandr Antonov), um marinheiro, grita para os soldados e pede para eles pensarem e decidirem se estão com os oficiais ou com os marinheiros. Os soldados hesitam e então abaixam suas armas. Louco de ódio, um oficial tenta agarrar um dos rifles e provoca uma revolta no navio, na qual o marinheiro é morto. Mas isto seria apenas o início de uma grande tragédia.
A Greve
Police Spy
O suicídio de um operário injustamente acusado de roubo é o estopim para o início de uma greve numa fábrica russa, em 1912. O lento processo de negociação expõe uma série de ações e contra-ações entre grevistas e polícia.
Diário de Glumov
Inserção fílmica para a adaptação livre e modernizada de Eisenstein da peça de teatro russa do século XIX de Ostrovskiy, "The Wise Man" ("Na vsyakogo mudretsa dovolno prostoty"). O anti-herói Glumov tenta escapar da exposição em meio a acrobacias, ousadia e palhaçadas farsas. Vários membros da trupe de Eisenstein no lendário teatro "Proletkult" em Moscou aparecem brevemente neste pequeno filme.