Dialect Coach
Set in the 1970's, MIGHTY FINE is the story of Joe Fine (Chazz Palminteri) a charismatic, high-spirited man, who relocates his family--wife Stella (Andie MacDowell), a Holocaust survivor, daughters Nathalie (Jodelle Ferland) and Maddie (Rainey Qualley)--from Brooklyn to New Orleans, in search of a better life. Unfortunately, Joe's spending spree is wildly out of touch with reality, as his apparel business is teetering on the brink of collapse, a fact he refuses to accept. Written and directed by Debbie Goodstein, MIGHTY FINE is told from the perspective of an adult Nathalie remembering the events of her youth, and is inspired by Goodstein's memories of her own father. MIGHTY FINE ultimately shows how coming to terms with the past without judgment is the most fruitful way to move toward the future.
Dialect Coach
Um camaleão, vive uma vida de animal de estimação enquanto enfrenta uma crise de identidade. Quando acidentalmente se vê perdido na arenosa vila de Poeira – um lugar sem lei, habitado pelas criaturas mais astutas e extravagantes do deserto – descobre rapidamente que se distingue dos outros. Recebido como a última esperança da vila, adopta o nome de Rango e é feito Xerife, adaptando-se razoavelmente a esse trabalho... até que, num polvilhar de aventuras e de encontros com temíveis personagens, começa a tornar-se no herói que quis sempre ser.