Isabelle de Araujo

Isabelle de Araujo


Isabelle de Araujo


La cage aux folles
Art Direction
"La Cage aux Folles" is a club which has a transvestite show, starring Zaza (whose real name Albin). It forms Renato old homosexual couple. The latter was previously a son, Laurent, who announces his future marriage with the daughter of a deputy. The meeting with the conservative politician is unavoidable ...
My Wife Is an Actress
Makeup Artist
A "normal" guy who is married to a hot actress gets worried that she is involved with her costar. This worry turns into jealousy and causes problems in their relationship. This is a story about trust and a comedy about the actions between men and women.
Michèle Laroque et Pierre Palmade - Ils s'aiment !
Hôtesse de l'air
Makeup Artist
Um jovem americano de descendência germânica vai trabalhar na Alemanha ocupada, com seu tio, e logo vê-se envolvido no mundo subversivo da filha de um industrial. Uma das obras-primas do diretor Lars von Trier, filmado a cores e a preto-e-branco.