A young woman living in rural Iowa dreams of becoming a dancer. She meets a stranger named Elsa who challenges her to run away with her to Rapid City and enter a dance contest. The two escape to the Badlands where their journey is cut short by reality.
A young woman living in rural Iowa dreams of becoming a dancer. She meets a stranger named Elsa who challenges her to run away with her to Rapid City and enter a dance contest. The two escape to the Badlands where their journey is cut short by reality.
Tea Lady
Filme bem-humorado sobre a vida e obra da poetisa norte-americana Emilly Elizabeth Dickinson, considerada moderna em vĂ¡rios aspectos de seus trabalhos.
A young woman struggling to survive becomes addicted to lucrative high-risk drug trials.
A young woman struggling to survive becomes addicted to lucrative high-risk drug trials.
A control freak finds herself without a job or sense of purpose after a car accident.
A control freak finds herself without a job or sense of purpose after a car accident.
A control freak finds herself without a job or sense of purpose after a car accident.