Peter Strauss
Nascimento : 1947-02-20, Croton-on-Hudson, New York, USA
Peter Strauss (born February 20, 1947) is an American television and movie actor, known for his roles in several television miniseries in the 1970s and 1980s. He was born in Croton-on-Hudson, New York.
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A escritora de livros de mistério Grace Miller é famosa pelo instinto para resolver crimes e vai precisar de todo esse talento para investigar o assassinato da irmã.
Lothar Hermann
Quinze anos depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial, uma equipe de agentes secretos foram recrutados para localizar o Adolf Eichmann (Ben Kingsley), o arquiteto nazista famoso do holocausto.
Grant Zager
A universitária Kara se encontra no meio de meninas jovens que conquistam tudo o que querem saindo com homens mais velhos. Mas, quando uma delas some, ela irá arriscar a própria vida para descobrir a verdade.
Wild Bill Cohen
Jacks Family inherits a cabin, they pack up for bonding vacation to the cabin. The family to begin with misses the comforts and wish to go home. However with the help of a friendly cowboy, the family begins to bond and enjoy a simpler life style.
Mr. Jones
Ben Murphy (John Krasinski) e Sadie Jones (Mandy Moore) estão noivos e ansiosos para enfim se casarem. Entretanto a St. Augustine, a tradicional igreja da família de Sadie e que é comandada pelo reverendo Frank (Robin Williams), apenas realizará o casamento se ambos passarem pelo famoso curso de preparação de noivos, ministrado pelo próprio reverendo. Sem alternativa, Ben e Sadie aceitam a exigência. Entretanto o curso, que é composto de aulas ultrajantes, estranhas lições de casa e invasões de privacidade, põe em risco o relacionamento entre eles.
President James Sandford
Darius Stone é um encrenqueiro nato cuja ficha criminal e obsessão por esportes radicais fazem dele o candidato perfeito para ser o novo agente xXx. Ele deve salvar o governo norte-americano de uma conspiração fatal liderada pelo condecorado general e Secretário de Defesa George Deckert. Somente um renegado agente xXx como Stone possui as habilidades imprescindíveis para deter o perigoso grupo militar de Deckert de assumir o governo na capital norte-americana.
Mr. Kross
When Irene takes a position at a hotel deep in the woods of the Austrian Alps, she soon discovers the girl she replaced vanished without a trace. Is there a murderer on site, or are there even darker forces at work?
Ben Stanton
Strange Frequency 2
Samuel Ratchett
O célebre detetive belga Hercule Poirot é incumbido de desvendar um assassinato ocorrido dentro do luxuoso Expresso Oriente. Contudo, à medida que o confinamento dos passageiros se perpetua fica claro que o crime ocorrido no vagão tem raízes mais sinistras do que ele imaginava.
Charlie 'Mac' McClain
A vida agitada de cidade grande de duas irmãs vira de ponta cabeça quando elas vão morar no interior com o pai, caubói profissional de rodeio, depois que a mãe delas é assassinada. Ele ainda precisa lidar com uma tia, que requer a guarda das meninas.
Executive Producer
Sprawling tale spanning 50 years in the life of the fictional Linthorne family as seen through the eyes of the rugged head of the clan as he and his wife weather the years of hardship on the prairie after settling on a parcel of untilled Midwestern farmland in 1866 in hopes of living a prosperous life together.
Thomas Linthorne
Sprawling tale spanning 50 years in the life of the fictional Linthorne family as seen through the eyes of the rugged head of the clan as he and his wife weather the years of hardship on the prairie after settling on a parcel of untilled Midwestern farmland in 1866 in hopes of living a prosperous life together.
Dr. Sam Sheppard
Fact-based story about the controversial conviction of Dr. Sam Sheppard (Peter Strauss) for the murder of his wife in Cleveland. The story picks up with his conviction and concentrates on his son's (Henry Czerny) efforts 40 years later to find evidence that his father was innocent of the crime. The story was the basis for the film and TV series of "The Fugitive".
Chip Carlson
Em Tulsa, o filho de uma importante família é jornalista e trabalha como crítico de cinema em um jornal local. No entanto, o relacionamento com a mãe está cada vez pior, sendo que em pouco tempo perde seu emprego, sente-se atraído pela mulher de um conhecido e se envolve com uma stripper além de, principalmente, tentar desvendar uma trama que quer encobrir um assassinato cometido pelo filho de um magnata.
John Waylan
John Waylan is a candidate for U.S. senator; near the end of the campaign he is accused of ordering and participating in a massacre in a Vietnamese village. The accusation kills his career, and severely endangers his marriage. When he and Kathy flee to an isolated cabin, he awakes one morning to find her gone. Questions are asked, answers are given or hinted at, as the tension and suspense build.
Brendan Grant
Homem vive um pesadelo quando sua filha é sequestrada por supostos agentes federais. Ele recebe uma ligação dizendo que deve matar a governadora da Califórnia em uma hora e quinze minutos ou não achará mais sua filha com vida.
When a Texas millionaire marries his mistress, a bitter divorce battle, two deaths, an FBI sting operation, and criminal trials ensue.
Sam Yates
The undying bond between a mother and her beloved son nearly destroys the lives of an entire family. Jessie Yates (Marlo Thomas) is torn between the ghost of her son and the life she has created with her husband and family.
Larry McLinden
A legal custody thriller
Ezra 'Penny' Baxter
In 1870s Florida, a rural family struggles to survive. A lonely twelve-year-old son, Jody (Wil Horneff), the lone surviving child, against his mother's better judgment eventually persuades his parents to allow him a pet fawn, which Jody grows to love deeply. Tragic conflict arises when the fawn begins eating the family's food crops.
Ed MacAffrey
This movie shows another side to spousal abuse that not too many people thought is possible--the husband being abused and the wife the abuser.
Warren Blackburn
Down-on-his-luck lawyer Warren Blackburn defends wealthy Texan Johnnie Faye Boudreau, who is accused of murdering her husband.
Max Cole
An increasingly obsessed detective chases an escaped rapist across the Southwest and enters into a complicated relationship with one of the victims.
Lt. Col. Matthew Ryan
A top US Air Force fighter pilot decides that his call sign of Black Angel means that he's a messenger of God. Freely committing murders as he goes, he steals a nuclear weapon and his plane. Taking a family hostage to help him, he works on bypassing the bomb's security lockouts so he can use it on the most sinful of American cities.
Wayne Stracton
Julie Burdock foi raptada em uma fria noite de inverno e enterrada viva numa cápsula construída pelos seus raptores. A garota passa horas esperando ser retirada de lá. Seu raptor um home frio criou um sistema para suprir a cápsula de ar e a luz ligada a uma bateria, que se esgotar as suas forças a cápsula virará seu ´tmulo. Começa agora uma corrida contra o tempo. O pai dela sabendo das condições da bateria s[o tem pouco tempo para resgatá -la.
Uma equipe dos Estados Unidos vai competir contra a Coréia em um torneio Tae Kwon Do. A equipe consiste de lutadores de todo o país - eles podem superar sua rivalidade e trabalhar juntos para vencer?
Peter Gunn
Peter Gunn, a connoisseur of beautiful women and cool jazz, is an ex-cop turned private eye who's caught in the middle of a dangerous gang war.
Charley MacLeod Jr.
A cattle rancher faces off with his estranged son. A right-wing cattle rancher wrangles with his recently returned son, a soldier who went AWOL in Vietnam. The proud men butt chins in this arid macho weepie.
Kenneth Hoffman
Things looked pretty simple: the confessed murderer had all the evidence against him. The Prosecutor Jansen could not have been more relentless, conservative and incisive. Furthermore, the jury already had a verdict: guilty of the more than 30 charges against him. But suddenly Judge Kenneth Hoffman finds out that the evidence was not obtained legally, so the procedure is void. Judge Hoffman is in the middle of this legal storm, although he wants to apply the law strictly, he will find everybody against him.
John Garry
Terrorists launch an attack against the USA. Their first strike is by a suicide squad that detonates a truckload of explosives at an army base in Washington DC. FBI probes indicate that the attack is by Arab terrorists led by Iranians. Subsequent attacks are via airplanes exploded in mid-air, crowded restaurants, and an attack on a mall. Administration cabinet heads push the President to retaliate. The director of the FBI believes that there may be more to the story than the investigation has revealed and the Secretary of Defense is the only other person urging caution.
Co-Executive Producer
A steel factory that employs most of the town shuts down, leaving a man desperate to keep his family and friends together while alcohol consumes him in this depressing drama.
A steel factory that employs most of the town shuts down, leaving a man desperate to keep his family and friends together while alcohol consumes him in this depressing drama.
Uma explosiva e eletrizante aventura espacial estrelada por Peter Strauss, como um generoso caçador galáctico, ameaçador por uma estranha criatura mecânica. É o ano de 3136, e Wolff (Strauss), respondendo a um sinal de socorro do planeta agora dominado pela força, sequestradas pelo ditador Overdog (Michael Ironside) o imoral meio-homem/meio-máquina que governa o planeta e Wolff sai em desenfreada perseguição. Enquanto desafia monstros e mutantes variados, as circunstâncias o atiram para junto de Niki (Molly Ringwald), uma lutadora solitária que concorda em guiá-lo ao reino de sucatas de Overdog. Da exploração de Wolff na Zona Proibida uma vibrante ação extraterrestre, garantida por efeitos especiais de perder o fôlego.
Justin (voice)
Para salvar seu filho doente, uma corajosa ratinha percorre uma longa jornada em busca de conseguir mover a sua casa de lugar de maneira segura. Enquanto procura curar seu filho, ela se depara com amuletos mágicos, animais perigosos e grandes amigos que prometem ajudá-la no misterioso percurso de uma floresta mágica que muda sua vida para sempre.
A conservationst, stranded with his family at a Newfoundland coastal resort, flies in the face of custom and fights an entire community to prevent a trapped whale's slaughter with only the support of his wife and one of the locals.
Charles Landon
A conservationst, stranded with his family at a Newfoundland coastal resort, flies in the face of custom and fights an entire community to prevent a trapped whale's slaughter with only the support of his wife and one of the locals.
Larry "Rain" Murphy
A runner, serving a life sentence at Folsom Prison, works at becoming the world's fastest miler and wins a chance to compete for a spot on the Olympic team.
Eddie Kagel
A small-time Chicago hood, now deceased, gets a second chance at life by striking a bargain with the Devil to inhabit and attempt to corrupt a totally honest politician.
Joseph Kennedy, Jr.
The story of U.S. President John F. Kennedy's older brother Joseph, who undertakes a dangerous mission during World War II.
O romance de F.Scott Fitzgerald é trazido à tela nesta história de um produtor de cinema lentamente trabalhando até a morte. Ele tem o poder de fazer o sonho de qualquer pessoa se tornar realidade... exceto o seu próprio.
Ben Jacobs
After three civil-rights workers are murdered in Mississippi in 1964, a team of FBI agents is sent there to find the killers.
Arthur Danforth
At his court-martial, an American Army officer renounces his country. For his punishment he is ordered to spend the rest of his life on a ship that sails all over the world, but he will never be allowed to set foot on his country's soil. nor come within site of it, nor be allowed to know anything about the country
Sergeant Otto Josef Klems
A man masquerading as a dead soldier seeks to desert his post and join the enemy in their struggle.
Honus Gent
Só há dois sobreviventes depois que um grupo de cavalaria é massacrado pelos Cheyenne. Honus, um Ingênuo soldado dedicado ao seu dever, e Cresta, uma jovem que viveu com os Cheyenne por dois anos e cujas simpatias estão mais com eles do que com o governo Americano. Juntos, eles tentam chegar a principal base da cavalaria.
Frank Dixon
Carl Dixon decides to quit school and enlist in the Army, even though he's already run afoul of the law as a Vietnam protestor. It is our hero's intention to use love, rather than bullets, to combat the Viet Cong. Needless to say, his idealism is no match for the harsher realities of war.
Narrator (English, restored version) (voice)
Garoto faz de tudo para capturar um cavalo branco selvagem. O problema é que vaqueiros têm a mesma intenção, mas o cavalo foge. A esperança do menino é que ele reencontre o animal outra vez. O filme foi rodado nas belas paisagens de Camargue, região pantanosa ao sul da França, onde o rio Rhône se encontra com o mar Mediterrâneo.