Vladislav Knežević


In the parallel process, space and time are defined through the movement of the body and the body is inevitably transformed by the movement in time and space. Accelerated through iterative procedure, dimensions start to merge and the body falls to its astronomical existence. Zero is where time, space and body become one. (Ivor Glavaš)
The Paracosmic Document
Gravitational waves are passing through every existing dimension, even the almost undetectable ones. The scientific experiment, in its basic utilitarian nature, is aimed at the understanding of the multidimensional structure of things and has the potential for an uncanny experience. The device has successfully detected the unknown dimension at an infinitesimal scale and set up the parameters for magnification and tracking of all the activities in the ambient of non-place visible to us. By its typology, the universal architecture of non-place is optimised for documenting the unknowable and determining the topology of the unexpected. The film follows the course of the intense activities of the entities present in the N dimension that generate a sort of beyond-human experience.
The expansiveness of empty landscapes that call attention to their subtle forms in a dynamic macro-perspective, and densely built urban ensembles combined with fragments of dry instructions and inconspicuously urgent communications to create a reserved fictional meditation on the relationship between man and machine.
The expansiveness of empty landscapes that call attention to their subtle forms in a dynamic macro-perspective, and densely built urban ensembles combined with fragments of dry instructions and inconspicuously urgent communications to create a reserved fictional meditation on the relationship between man and machine.
Electronically processing the image, with digital animation and use of analogue generators of image and sound, "Convergence" researches the convergence of body, virtual figures and codes.
Electronically processing the image, with digital animation and use of analogue generators of image and sound, "Convergence" researches the convergence of body, virtual figures and codes.
Hand of the Master
Sound Designer
A video on the edge between sci-fi, video clip and narration which is suggests tension of story and events, while at the same time real dramaturgy is neglected, and the plot line is followed by rhythmic music in real and electronically generated areas, accompanied by actors, maquettes, puppets and models.
In an underwater robotics test pool a machine infected by an unknown biological conglomerate conducts a fatal manoeuvre. The new compounds create their own forms, self-sustainable, self-forming and adaptable. An Anthropocene, a human product, has opened a possibility for the extension of the body without organs to host other forms of life, inhumanly wondrous and unpredictable.