Alexandra Bokyun Chun

Alexandra Bokyun Chun

Nascimento : 1967-02-11, Korea


Alexandra Bokyun Chun


Mr. & Mrs. Kim
Mrs. Kim (as Alexandra Chun)
An imaginative fourth-grader whose lies come to life must deal with the consequences when he claims his parents are North Korean spies.
Innocent Blood
Susan Park
Sun W. Kim and D.J. Holloway, behind several award winning short films, makes their feature film debut with Innocent Blood. The suspense thriller tells the story of James Park, a retired detective turned college professor, who is forced to face his dark past in order to find his son Cody’s kidnapper. James Park, played by Jun-Seong Kim (Late Autumn, West 32nd), a well decorated, officer is exposed for who he really is by his son’s mysterious kidnapper. With a handful of past enemies, simultaneous murders, a wife who’s losing faith in him, and two detectives in hot pursuit, James must move fast to bring his son home safely.
Saw - Enigma Mortal
Jigsaw (Tobin Bell) é um assassino que possui uma marca registrada: ele deixa em suas vítimas uma cicatriz em forma de quebra-cabeças e faz com que elas cometam atos agonizantes para se salvarem. O detetive David Tapp (Danny Glover) é designado para investigar os assassinatos, bem como a capturar seu autor. Porém o esguio Jigsaw leva o detetive a desenvolver uma obsessão por capturá-lo.
Asian Cosmetologist
Cassius Clay era um grande lutador nos ringues de boxe e uma pessoa inteligente fora deles, onde impressionava pelo seu fácil palavreado. Ele logo se tornou uma das principais personalidades do esporte mundial nos anos 60, principalmente após se converter ao islamismo, trocar seu nome para Muhammad Ali e se recusar a lutar na Guerra do Vietnã.
Color of a Brisk and Leaping Day
The Yosemite Valley Railroad, which runs through the breathtaking scenery and stunning vistas of Yosemite National Park, is on the brink of failure. The grandson of a Chinese railroad laborer embarks on a romantic, but ultimately doomed, quest to save this railroad from being sold for scrap. His love of trains finds him working as a railroad-man, instead of at his father's profitable business. He manages to locate a wealthy eccentric investor to help him acquire the railroad, but its financial inviability makes this a quixotic reprieve, at best. The film also portrays the anti-Asian racism present in America at the conclusion of World War II.
Korean National Flower