Kevin Cabello


I Was a Simple Man
Graphic Designer
Em quatro capítulos, acompanhamos uma história de fantasmas na zona rural de Oahu, no Havaí. O protagonista é um homem de idade avançada que enfrenta o fim da vida e passa a ser visitado por fantasmas do passado. Misturando história, mitologia, sonhos e surrealismo, descobrimos a jornada caleidoscópica de uma família fragmentada que enfrenta a morte de seu patriarca, enquanto passamos dos arranha-céus da Honolulu dos dias atuais para o interior de Oahu antes da Segunda Guerra Mundial.
American Criminal
Production Design
"American Criminal" is filmed entirely in one shot ... A police officer, a prosecutor, a judge, and a forensic scientist conspire to manufacture evidence against murderers who they are convinced are guilty, but they lack the full proofs. When a criminal defense attorney threatens to expose their illicit activities, one of the group murders him. The police officer, who was opposed to the killing, is framed for the lawyer's murder and sentenced to life in prison. With this backstory in place, five years later he escapes prison and kidnaps the entire jury who convicted him, as well as his former judge, prosecutor and scientist allies. He assembles them all at a Jewish temple - the scene of the lawyer's murder - and proceeds to prove his innocence to them, while at the same time exacting just a bit more vigilante justice.
No Escuro da Noite
Art Direction
When a soldier's son reveals damning information about a local gangster's missing daughter, a war of attrition wreaks havoc on their forgotten coal mining town.