Zéa Duprez


Demain Je Veux Vivre
A Unique Opportunity
Mid-summer. Lazare is on his way to his sister's, the two hitchhikers in the back are going to a music festival. Different generations with different interests – the hitchhikers provide new dynamism in the car. Lazare slowly lowers his defences, but it seems inevitable that their paths will deviate again.
Os Meteoritos
Nina, 16 anos, sonha com aventura. Enquanto isso, ela passa o verão entre sua cidade no sul da França e o parque de atrações onde trabalha. Pouco antes de conhecer Morad, Nina vê um meteorito inflamar o céu e cair na montanha. Como um presságio de uma vida nova.
Night Moves
Lila suffocates in her brother's hospital room, she his the road. Vintimiglia. Women are loading a truck for a food distribution for refugees who try to cross the border. It's ramadan, they must eat before the prayer. Carrying bread loafs in her arms, Lila meets Youssef. Youssef doesn't speak a word of french and he's starving.