Carlos Pinsky


Nazi Death Marches
Due to the ruthless advance of the Soviet Red Army, from the spring of 1944 until the capitulation of the Third Reich in May 1945, the Nazis evacuated the labor, concentration and extermination camps, factories of pain and death which, over nightmarish years, they had established in the occupied eastern territories. Forced to travel enormous distances, thousands of people died along the way from hunger, thirst and exhaustion.
Trump, le parrain de Manhattan
Jacques Brel, fou de vivre
Presents archival material as well as interviews with those who were close to Jacques Brel, who died way too young, at age 49. Jacques Brel sings "Madeleine" over the opening credits of this film and immediately the audience is drawn into the intense theatricality of his performance. Left without a choice, they follow his lead, join the chanson and are left sweaty and breathless, just like Brel. Philippe Kohly, a documentary filmmaker who is renowned for profiling artists, created a fascinating portrait of the legendary singer of Flemish descent who became a master of French chanson.
Roger Kasparian, l'oeil des 60's
Jacques Derrida, le courage de la pensée
Associate Producer
A look back at the life of Jacques Derrida, on the 10th anniversary of the philosopher's death.