Klemens Mielczarek

Klemens Mielczarek

Nascimento : 1920-10-17, Lublin, Polska

Morte : 2006-01-20


Klemens Mielczarek


Childish Questions
A young architect is locked up in prison. He recalls his uncompromising youth and gradual sliding into the moral swamp of compromises. He was not alone. A group of his friends, dreamers and glass house builders, accompanied him.
O Homem de Ferro
Um trabalhador comum que se torna um “homem de ferro” forjado pela experiência, um filho que faz as pazes com seu pai, um casal que se apaixona, um repórter buscando coragem para mudar sua vida e uma nação inteira passando por duras mudanças. Esses são os ingredientes deste filme de Andrzej Wajda, continuação de o “Homem de Mármore” (1977). Na Varsóvia de 1980, o Partido Comunista envia Winkel (Marian Opanian), um repórter alcoólatra e frágil, até o distrito de Gdansk, para descobrir os podres que estariam por trás das greves nos portos. Um dos focos principais dessa investigação seria o jovem Maciej Tomczyk (Jerzy Radziwiłowicz), um articulado trabalhador cujo pai foi morto durante os protestos de Dezembro de 1970. Fingindo interesse e simpatia, Winkel entrevista diversas pessoas que conhecem Tomczyk, incluindo sua esposa, a presidiária Agnieszka (Krystyna Janda). Ao fazer isso, Winkel se depara com uma realidade diferente da que ele imaginava.
The Gorgon Case
In 1931, just before the New Year, in a house of architect Henryk Zaremba scream rips the night. The daughter of Zaremba is found killed in her bedroom, obviously killed with a pickaxe. The police arrives and starts the investigation. Rita Gorgonova, the governess of the girl and also lover of Zaremba becomes the main suspect. Film based on real events - investigation and court trials of the most famous pre-war Polish murder case. Despite being historically accurate the movie is both involving and entertaining since the case was simple on the surface, but very complicated in details.
The Eighth Day of the Week
thug on Agnieszka's street
Zbigniew Cybulski and Sonja Ziemann play lovers struggling to find happiness and privacy in overcrowded Warsaw. The movie shows an honest picture of life in a war-damaged city, contrasting the characters' difficulties with their dreams of a better life. It was banned in Poland in 1958 and would not been seen anywhere until its European release one year later.
Podhale w ogniu
Adventure in Marienstadt
Wacław Osica
While visiting Warsaw, Hanka falls for a record-breaking bricklayer. Soon she returns to the city to work at construction sites and prove that women's work is not worse than that of men's.
Sprawa do załatwienia
Train Passenger (uncredited)
Devil's Ravine
The Lonely House