Zeke Manners

Nascimento : 1911-10-10, San Francisco, California, USA

Morte : 2000-10-14


Leo "Zeke" Manners was an American country musician.


Barfly - Condenados Pelo Vício
Henry Chinaski é um escritor alcoólatra que inicia um romance cheio de contradições com Wanda Wilcox, outra frequentadora assídua dos bares de Los Angeles. Neste cenário, surge uma terceira pessoa que vai mudar a relação do casal.
Relax aka Perdidos na América
Couple in Trailer Park
David and Linda Howard are successful yuppies from LA. When he gets a job disappointment, David convinces Linda that they should quit their jobs, liquidate their assets, and emulate the movie Easy Rider, spending the rest of their lives traveling around America...in a Winnebago.
Real Life
Driver in Evaluation
A pushy, narcissistic filmmaker persuades a Phoenix family to let him and his crew film their everyday lives, in the manner of the ground-breaking PBS series "An American Family".