Lennox (voice)
Shakespeare: The Animated Tales (also known as The Animated Shakespeare) is a series of twelve half-hour animated television adaptations of the plays of William Shakespeare, originally broadcast on BBC2 between 1992 and 1994. Macbeth was a cel animation directed by Nikolai Serebryakov
Mr. Brackley
Derek Blore, MP, enjoys both a happy successful political career and a sideline in the suburbs. When his two political lives become confused, with an added Russian complication, he finds a national scandal engulfing him.
Dick Potter
A movie in three acts following three couples who, over three years, each host a Christmas party. The camera stays in the kitchen and we are treated to Ayckbourn's beautifully detailed look at middle class life.
Historian (voice)
Há muitos e muitos anos numa terra longínqua, O Cristal Encantado era a fonte da verdade no universo. Mas ele foi partido, gerando o caos e originando duas raças: os terríveis Skeksis e os pacíficos Mystics. Segundo uma velha profecia, tudo voltará ao normal se o Cristal for restaurado por um ser da raça Gelfling, quando os três sóis se alinharem numa grande conjunção. O problema é que os Skeksis se apossaram do poder do cristal, e pretendem reinar para sempre. Para evitar que a profecia seja cumprida, tentaram acabar com os Gelflings. Mas ainda resta Jen, e é a ele que cabe a tarefa de reestabelecer o equilíbrio.
They write so many innocent words, but what are the authors of your children's stories really like?
Housing Officer
A British woman faces a downward social climb thanks to her country's rigid and problem-ridden welfare system.