Ramón Gutiérrez del Barrio


El mal amor
Widow meets her husband's family for the first time after his death; her mother-in-law hates her and her husband's son from earlier marriage falls in love with her.
El último cowboy
El cartero
A provincial postman shares with the inhabitants of a small town the joys and sorrows caused by the correspondence he delivers.
Rescate de sangre
During the colonial period, a man buys a small piece of land in Mendoza and marries a slave woman. The dry and arid climate harms the yield of the land from it. In need of money to buy the freedom of his spouse, he decides to undertake the task of building with his own hands a kilometric ditch that carries water from the river to his fields.
El alma de los niños
In the 1944 San Juan earthquake, the parents of a child died who had to go live with an evil aunt but who, finally, succeeded as an actor.
La pícara cenicienta
A young woman must take shelter one rainy afternoon in the house of the writer with whom she is in love.