Anthony J. Saenz


In the Picture
A young visiting couple from out-of-town, is led on a guided tour of Los Angeles and its environs by a familiar resident (Stanley Livingston) and his wife (Paula Drake), all captured by the panoramic, triple-lensed Cinerama camera. Some popular and some not so well known sights of the city shine in this urban travelogue lark, including the Griffith Observatory, Angel's Flight funicular railway, and a sailboat cruise from San Pedro, culminating in the evening's highlight, a visit to the Cinerama Dome Theater in Hollywood. This was the first film shot in 3-panel Cinerama in 50 years.
Assistant Location Manager
O tolo e desesperado Elliot Richards recebe sete desejos do Diabo para ter o amor de Allison, a garota dos seus sonhos, em troca de sua alma.
Apollo 13 - Do Desastre ao Triunfo
Location Assistant
Em 1970, a NASA envia à Lua um novo grupo de astronautas na missão Apollo 13. Porém, já no espaço, um tanque de oxigênio explode. Com o acidente, os astronautas Jim Lovell, Jack Swigert e Fred Haise não conseguem seguir sua rota, correndo o risco de ficar sem oxigênio e energia suficientes para voltarem à Terra. Agora, a equipe a bordo e a equipe em terra firme correm contra o tempo para consertar a nave.
Death Machines
Biker (uncredited)
Madame Lu has created three "Death Machines," a trio of martial arts experts who have been injected with a special serum, turning them into mindless zombies, capable only of murder, at Lu's command. Tasked with eliminating her enemies, the Death Machines go on a blood-soaked rampage, killing anyone in their path. After they massacre an entire dojo, leaving only one survivor, the Death Machines and Madame Lu herself become the targets of his vengeance...