Matteo Parenti


Sposa in rosso
First Assistant Director
O Começo do Natal
Second Assistant Director
Um ladrão ateu e um sacerdote que viajam magicamente para a Palestina de 2000 anos atrás terão que garantir o nascimento do menino Jesus.
Ma tu di che segno 6?
Second Assistant Director
Five searches for love unfold in interconnected stories in which fathers, daughters and male suitors try to perfect love matches based on astrology.
Amici miei - Come tutto ebbe inizio
Second Assistant Director
Jacopo, Duccio, Cecco, Manfredo and Filippo are five friends who live in Florence of the fifteenth century, during a plague epidemic.
Anjos e Demónios
Third Assistant Director
Nesta prequela de "O Código Da Vinci", o simbologista Robert Langdon tentará impedir que uma antiga sociedade secreta destrua o Vaticano durante o conclave para eleger um novo papa.
Concrete Romance
Third Assistant Director
A climax of brutality and violence after a young man hits some cars in a rush.
Natale a New York
Second Assistant Director
During the holidays of Christmas, three groups of funny characters depart from Italy to spend the Christmas season in New York City.