Tobias Anderson


Harvest of Fear
Old Man Carter
Who's killing the college students during the annual Harvest Festival?
Take My Advice:  The Ann and Abby Story
Dean Evans
Biography of feuding advice columnist twins, Ann Landers and Abby Van Buren, starts with their early lives in Sioux City, Iowa when they were known as Esther and Pauline through their double wedding and follows them into their columnist successes. However, much of the film also concentrates on their personal and professional feuds that ran the course of their lives. Written by John Sacksteder
Final Justice
Father Halligan
Merle Hammond (Michael McKean), a sleazy attorney, uses corrupt tactics and convinces a jury to acquit his client who is a killer. Gwen (Annette O'Toole), the murdered victim's sister, knows the real truth and plots revenge against the attorney. Out of desperation, she kidnaps the attorney in an attempt to make him confess to his unscrupulous tactics. The cards twist when he escapes and puts her on trial for his kidnapping.
Justiça sob Suspeita
Judge West
Uma história verídica. Um assassinato brutal. Uma recompensa de US$ 1,000,000.00. O chefe da penitenciaria do estado de Oregon, Michael Francke, era candidato a Governador, até ser brutalmente assassinado. As circunstâncias que envolveram sua morte iniciam uma busca nacional por evidências que apontem os responsáveis por este crime hediondo. Oficiais locais e do governo foram rápidos em rotular o assassinato de Francke como um roubo que não deu certo. Será verdade ou apenas disfarce para omitir informações? A família da vitima foi instruída a parar de fazer questionamentos e provas importantes foram ignoradas ou censuradas. Os fatos desse caso apontam para uma fria conspiração que vem frustrando a policia e o governo federal. Como eles nunca foram compilados dessa forma, o que será mostrado, vai prender a atenção do mais frio expectador.
Bud Clay
A deeply-disturbed priest goes on a murderous night-time rampage across America's highways.
Sombra da Morte
A prison riot breaks out at the moment of a serial murderer's execution by electrocution, and his fate becomes indeterminate when the prison is shut down. 18 months later, a team of filmmakers converge on the prison to film a women-in-prison exploitation flick, but find that a certain somebody is disrupting their shooting schedule...