Ralph Cooley


Bob Calhoon
An unfortunate accident sets in motion a path of change for Nathanial Cane as he attempts to recover from substance abuse. A mentally unstable psychiatrist, DR. Henry Calhoon is tipping over the edge into a series of guilt driven hallucinations. In the background a powerful figure is manipulating them both. Intertwined in this struggle for control is a well-meaning vigilante, who falls into the mystery of the perception of good and evil. As the threads untwine the distinctions between characters and their relationships breakdown to reveal a simple human need shared by all.
O Quinto Elemento
Visual Effects Assistant Editor
No século XXIII, um motorista de taxi de Nova York se envolve em uma aventura na qual tem de deter um ser demoníaco que percorre a galáxia a cada cinco mil anos. Se nada for feito, a Terra será destruída. Mas para isto, ele precisa encontrar quatro pedras antigas que representam os elementos e colocá-las em volta de uma bela mulher, que é o quinto elemento.