Julie Bataille

Julie Bataille

Nascimento : 1975-10-18, France


Julie Bataille
Julie Bataille


Les Guignols - Putain 30 ans !
Marco Silvestri (Vincent Lindon) trabalha como capitão de um navio porta-contêineres. O marinheiro está em alto-mar quando é obrigado a voltar urgentemente para Paris. Ele recebe a notícia de que o marido de sua irmã Sandra (Chiara Mastroianni) cometeu suicídio. Suspeitando que o ato de seu cunhado foi motivado por alguma conspiração empresarial, Marco se aproxima da misteriosa Raphaelle, amante do poderoso empresário Edward Laporte. Porém, durante a investigação do caso, Marco descobre que sua irmã também escondeu alguns segredos.
Written and directed Joel and Ethan Coen (Fargo, The Big Lebowski), the Paris set Tuileries is an example from the section of short films by famous directors. Tuileries was commissioned alongside True and a host of other short films by the French capital for its Paris, Je T'Aime (Paris, I Love You) anthology. Steve Buscemi is a tourist in the eponymous metro station, which is located near The Louvre. He mistakenly catches eyes with a woman on the opposite platform - an action that causes her boyfriend some considerable annoyance.
L'Année des Guignols : Qu'est-ce t'as, t'es pas content ?
Paris, Te Amo
Julie (Tuileries)
Em Paris, o amor está por todos os lugares. Está nos bares, nos cafés, na Torre Eiffeil, até no metrô que circula abaixo de suas ruas. Paris, Te Amo é uma declaração à Cidade Luz através dos olhos de alguns dos maiores diretores do mundo incluindo Walter Salles ,os Irmãos Coen, Alfonso Cuarón, Wes Craven. Cada um retrata, de um jeito ou de outro, a alegria, a separação, os encontros inesperados e acima de tudo o amor.
L'Année des Guignols : Un Jean-Pierre ça peut tout faire
Impersonator (voices)
L'année des guignols : Pardon aux familles... Tout ça !
Bullit & Riper
Pamela Rose
FBI Agents Bullit and Riper investigate the murder of a young dancer called Pamela Rose, found dead in her motel room in Bornsville, a small american town. Despite their differences, they must team up: the local police is hostile and they can only count on themselves to solve the crime. They meet Ginger, Pamela's best friend, and discover soon enough she knows more than she says.
L'Année des Guignols : Une ispice di counasse d'année !!
L'Année des Guignols : Je peux dire une connerie ?
Fall For You
A struggling painter, Yu (Francis Ng), who falls for a struggling gold digger, Yee (Kristy Yang).
Les coquelicots sont revenus
L'Année des Guignols : Y'a paaas de méthode
L'Année des Guignols : Putain, mais quel con !
L'Année des Guignols : J'y arrive pas
L'Année des Guignols : Les Voleurs de patates
Clubbed to Death
A young woman visiting Paris, misses the last bus home, finds herself stranded on the outskirts of Paris. Entering a local club, she meets a troubled drug addict.
L'Année des Guignols : La Combine à Nanard
C'est La Vie
A story is about young teenage girl, with sister and brothers, a pleasant uncle and aunt, an annoying nanny, a young boy interested in kissing her, a close relationship with the imaginary addressee of her daily diary and her parents' disintegrating marriage - all this in a rented house in a summer resort.
Lovers Beatrice Dalle and Wadeck Stanczak can't quite cope with the situation when Dalle becomes pregnant. Stanczak fears that his future as an architect will be scuttled by any parental responsibilities. For her part, Dalle wants to keep the baby, but she also wants to keep Stanczak. Attempting to smooth the waters is the couple's mutual friend Francis Frappat. Chimere was the second feature-film project for director Claire Devers, who rose to prominence on the strength of her award-winning maiden effort Black and White.