A comedy-drama-mockumentary about Council workers, in a zombie infested city, dealing with office politics, government regulations and the ravenous undead. When the Zombie apocalypse hit, it devastated society for years. Now, with humanity rebuilding, the virus contained and hope for a cure in the air, only a few of the most desperate and cunning zombies remain to be rounded up, by people like Stanley.
A comedy-drama-mockumentary about Council workers, in a zombie infested city, dealing with office politics, government regulations and the ravenous undead. When the Zombie apocalypse hit, it devastated society for years. Now, with humanity rebuilding, the virus contained and hope for a cure in the air, only a few of the most desperate and cunning zombies remain to be rounded up, by people like Stanley.
A comedy-drama-mockumentary about Council workers, in a zombie infested city, dealing with office politics, government regulations and the ravenous undead. When the Zombie apocalypse hit, it devastated society for years. Now, with humanity rebuilding, the virus contained and hope for a cure in the air, only a few of the most desperate and cunning zombies remain to be rounded up, by people like Stanley.
A comedy-drama-mockumentary about Council workers, in a zombie infested city, dealing with office politics, government regulations and the ravenous undead. When the Zombie apocalypse hit, it devastated society for years. Now, with humanity rebuilding, the virus contained and hope for a cure in the air, only a few of the most desperate and cunning zombies remain to be rounded up, by people like Stanley.
Unit Manager
Há vinte anos, uma nave extraterrestre apareceu sobre a Terra. Os Humanos esperavam um ataque hostil ou observar grandes avanços tecnológicos. Em vez disso, encontraram um grupo de não-humanos refugiados, possivelmente os últimos sobreviventes da sua espécie. Enquanto as Nações de todo o Mundo discutiam sobre o que fazer com eles, as criaturas foram relegados para um gueto - Distrito 9. A Multi-National United (MNU), uma empresa de segurança privada, e também a maior fabricante de armas do Mundo foi contratada para supervisionar os visitantes. O verdadeiro objectivo da MNU é descobrir o segredo para a activação das armas mais poderosas, que requerem o DNA dos não-humanos. O clima de tensão entre os não-humanos e os humanos surge quando um agente de campo da MNU, Wikus van der Merwe, contrai um vírus misterioso que começa a converter o seu próprio DNA.