Tim Matheson

Tim Matheson

Nascimento : 1947-12-31, Glendale, California, USA


Tim Matheson é um ator, diretor e produtor norte-americano, talvez mais conhecido por seu papel de "Eric" Otter "Stratton" na comédia de 1978, Animal House (1978), mas teve uma variedade de outros papéis bem conhecidos. antes e depois, incluindo elogios da crítica pelo seu papel de "vice-presidente John Hoynes" na série de televisão, The West Wing (1999), que lhe rendeu duas indicações ao Primetime Emmy para Melhor Estrela Convidada em Série Dramática. De 2011 a 2015, Matheson estrelou como 'Dr. Brick Breeland 'na série CW, Hart of Dixie (2011), ao lado de Rachel Bilson . Ele tem e continua a dirigir vários episódios a cada temporada ao longo da série. Não se limita a "Hart of Dixie", Matheson fez uma carreira de dirigir uma série de projetos episódicos em alguns dos programas mais proeminentes da televisão, incluindo "The Last Ship", "Burn Notice", "Criminal Minds", "Without a Trace "Cold Case", "Numbers", "Drop Dead Diva", "Suits", "Eureka" e "White Collar", bem como pilotos para "The Good Guys" da Fox e da série original de sucesso da USA Network "Covert Romances." Começando sua carreira aos 13 anos, Matheson apareceu na série de comédia nostálgica da CBS de Robert Young, Window on Main Street (1961), durante a temporada televisiva de 1961-1962. Em 1964, ele forneceu a voz do personagem principal no programa de desenho animado Jonny Quest (1964), bem como a voz de "Jace" na série animada original, Space Ghost (1966). Além disso, ele desempenhou o papel do filho mais velho, "Mike Beardsley", no filme Yours, Mine and Ours (1968), estrelado por Lucille Ball e Henry Fonda . em sua oitava temporada, como "Jim Horn". Durante a temporada final da televisão western Bonanza (1959) em 1972-1973, Matheson interpretou "Griff King", um parolee que tenta reformar sua vida como operário no Rancho Ponderosa sob o comando de Ben Cartwright. Depois disso, ele interpretou o jovem policial de motocicleta "Phil Sweet", no filme de 1973, Magnum Force (1973). a história de dois jovens no oeste americano que procuravam o paradeiro de sua irmã, uma prisioneira do Cheyenne. Em 1978, ele co-estrelou no aclamado Animal House (1978), ao lado de John Belushi ; no ano seguinte, ele apareceu ao lado de Belushi novamente em 1941 (1979), de Steven Spielberg . Matheson e Catherine Hicks interpretaram "Rick Tucker" e "Amanda Tucker", que operam uma agência de detetives em Laurel Canyon em Tucker's Witch (1982), da CBS, que foi ao ar durante a temporada 1982-1983. Ele então apareceu em 1983 To Be or Not Be (1983), estrelado por Mel Brooks e Anne Bancroft e estrelou a comédia de 1984, Up the Creek (1984) e Fletch de 1985 (1985). A Matheson, juntamente com o parceiro de negócios Dan Grodnik, comprou a National Lampoon em 1989, quando a revista enfrentava declínio financeiro. Eles foram incapazes de reverter a sorte da revista, no entanto, e venderam-na em 1991. Em 1996, Matheson assumiu o papel de um vigarista que afirma ser o marido de Carol Brady, que estava morto em A Very Brady Sequel (1996). ). Matheson foi visto contracenando com Ryan Reynolds na comédia de longa-metragem Van Wilder (2002) em 2002, interpretando o pai do personagem-título, inspirado por seu próprio personagem em Animal House (1978), como um aceno ao filme original. Ele nasceu em Glendale, Califórnia, um subúrbio de Los Angeles, e tem três filhos maravilhosos da ex-mulher, Megan Murphy Matheson .


Tim Matheson


Brinquedo Assassino
Henry Kaslan
Andy e sua mãe se mudam para uma nova cidade em busca de um recomeço. Preocupada com o desinteresse do filho em fazer novos amigos, Karen decide dar a ele de presente de aniversário um boneco tecnológico que, além de ser o companheiro ideal para crianças e propor diversas atividades lúdicas, executa funções da casa sob comandos de voz. Os problemas começam a surgir quando o boneco Chuck se torna extremamente possessivo em relação a Andy e está disposto a fazer qualquer coisa para afastar o garoto das pessoas que o amam.
Antes de Partir
Rory MacNeil é um escocês ranzinza que não dá a mínima para a opinião dos outros. Um dia ele descobre que tem poucos meses de vida, e sua possível salvação está em São Francisco. Contrariado, ele abandona a ilha onde sempre viveu e vai se hospedar na casa do filho, que não vê há anos e com quem tem uma relação conturbada. Mas um golpe do destino dá a Rory uma nova chance, não só com seu filho e seu neto, mas também com seu próprio coração.
6 Balões
Em pleno dia da independência dos Estados Unidos, Katie (Abbi Jacobson) descobre que seu irmão, Seth (Dave Franco), teve uma recaída com a heroína enquanto a filha dela de dois anos está sob os cuidados dele.
Jumanji: Bem-Vindos à Selva
Old Man Vreeke (uncredited)
Quatro estudantes da escola secundária descobrem uma antiga consola de jogos de vídeo, da qual nunca tinham ouvido falar – Jumanji – e são de imediato transportados para o ambiente de selva do jogo, transformando-se, literalmente, nos seus próprios avatares: Spencer, um viciado em gaming, transforma-se num aventureiro cerebral; a estrela do futebol, Fridge, perde (e são estas as suas palavras) "o primeiro meio metro do seu corpo", transformando-se em Einstein; Bethany, uma das miúdas populares, transforma-se num professor de meia idade; e a tímida Martha transforma-se numa guerreira destemida. O que eles descobrem é que não se podem limitar a jogar Jumanji – eles têm de sobreviver ao jogo… E para sobreviver e regressar ao mundo real terão de passar pela mais perigosa aventura das suas vidas, descobrir o que Alan Parrish deixou há 20 anos e mudar a sua visão deles próprios – ou ficarão presos para sempre no jogo…
Magical Christmas Ornaments
JP Presley
Enquanto Marie começa a ganhar enfeites de sua mãe, uma nova benção chega coincidentemente junto com cada um., deixando Marie mais empolgada do que já esteve por anos para o feriado. E para completar fica ainda mais empolgada quando conhece o seu vizinho Nate.
Atentado ao Presidente Reagan
Ronald Reagan
Apenas dois meses depois de assumir a presidência, Ronald Reagan estava perto da morte depois de uma bala acertar a centímetros de seu coração.
Last Chance for Christmas
Reginald Buckley
Starring Hilarie Burton, Gabriel Hogan and Tim Matheson, “Last Chance Christmas” is about when Prancer injures his hoof, and Santa’s stable hand, John, must find a fill in to ensure Christmas deliveries go off without a hitch. His mission gets complicated when he discovers that Frankie, the perfect substitute reindeer, belongs to a precocious 8-year-old girl and her mother Annie. As he races to get Frankie up to the North Pole, he realizes that he’s actually falling in love with Annie and has to find a way to win her over and save Christmas at the same time.
Tom & Jerry: Aventura com Jonny Quest
The President (voice)
Dois grupos de personagens clássicos dos desenhos animados se reúnem nesta mistura repleta de diversão cheia de ação e aventura da série animada Jonny Quest. Fãs de todas as idades não vai querer perder esta aventura de parar o coração.
The Prince
Wealthy Manhattan kids dealing with high school and the drama that comes with it.
Drunk Stoned Brilliant Dead: The Story of the National Lampoon
Self / Actor / Director / Producer
A look at the history of the American comedy publication and production company, National Lampoon, from its beginning in the 1970s to 2010, featuring rare and never before seen footage, this is the mind boggling story of The National Lampoon from its subversive and electrifying beginnings, to rebirth as an unlikely Hollywood heavyweight, and beyond. A humour empire like no other, the impact of the magazines irreverent, often shocking, sensibility was nothing short of seismic: this is an institution whose (drunk stoned brilliant) alumni left their fingerprints all over popular culture. Both insanely great and breathtakingly innovative, The National Lampoon created the foundation of modern comic sensibility by setting the bar in comedy impossibly high.
Wild Card
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas... but only if you have a good lawyer. In this witty procedural about people behaving badly, two very different lawyers handle the type of problems that happen after the sun goes down and need to be solved before the sun the comes up.
Sexo Sem Compromisso
Eli's Dad #2
Para sair da fossa de seu último relacionamento, Adam (Ashton Kutcher) firma um acordo com Emma (Natalie Portman), uma antiga amiga: os dois irão se relacionar sem compromisso. Para isso funcionar, eles impõem algumas regrinhas. No entanto, as coisas logo começam a sair do controle.
American Pie Apresenta: O Livro do Amor
Alumnus Guy #4 - Special Appearance
Rob, Nathan e Lube são três amigos que estão determinados a dar sequência à missão de conquistar as garotas dos seus sonhos. Depois de algumas tumultuadas tentativas, a maioria sem sucesso, eles acidentalmente descobrem uma verdadeira bíblia da sedução escondida na biblioteca da escola East Great Falls High.
Atrás das Linhas Inimigas 3: Operação Colômbia
Em uma missão secreta na Colômbia, um grupo de soldados americanos é perseguido por duas facções que acreditam que seus líderes foram mortos por eles. Abandonados pelo seu próprio governo, os soldados lutam para sobreviver ao mesmo tempo em que buscam provar sua inocência e impedir uma guerra entre os dois países.
Atrás das Linhas Inimigas 3: Operação Colômbia
Em uma missão secreta na Colômbia, um grupo de soldados americanos é perseguido por duas facções que acreditam que seus líderes foram mortos por eles. Abandonados pelo seu próprio governo, os soldados lutam para sobreviver ao mesmo tempo em que buscam provar sua inocência e impedir uma guerra entre os dois países.
To Love and Die
James White
A fun-loving 30-something (Shiri Appleby) with abandonment issues becomes convinced that her dating problems will be resolved if she can only track down the father she never knew. When she finds him (Tim Matheson), she discovers that he's an assassin and that she may have found her calling.
Animal House: The Inside Story
Documentary about the making of Animal House
Confissões de uma Estrela de Hollywood
When Hollywood starlet Morgan Carter passes out from alcohol poisoning on the red carpet of her movie premiere, she is whisked away to rehab, then sent to live with an aunt to complete her recovery in rural Indiana. There, she attends high school - changing her name and look to fit in-and live the life of a typical teenager, complete with the mysteries of geography, gym class, real friendship, love and jealousy.
Velocidade sem Limites
Jerry Brecken
Natasha Martin é a vocalista de uma das mais promissoras bandas da Costa Oeste dos Estados Unidos, sendo também fanática por automobilismo. Um dia ela se envolve em uma competição de corridas ilegais que possuem alguns dos carros mais caros do planeta e que é organizada para o prazer de um grupo de milionários entediados. Além disto, Natasha precisa lidar com o envolvimento da máfia, que decide investir milhões de dólares no torneio.
Augusta, Gone
Executive Producer
Martha is a businesswoman and divorced mother of two children - Augusta and Jack. However, when docile Augusta becomes a teenager, feelings of anger and self-hate cause her personality to undergo a scary transformation, and Martha realizes that this is not just typical teen angst. Augusta begins doing drugs, drinking, and ends up on the streets. Her concerned mother and father reach out to an educational consultant, who advises them to send Augusta to a strict wilderness camp for troubled teens. However, even the institution's experienced and tough administrators find Augusta a difficulty to keep under control. Martha comes to realize that there is no answer to her daughter's behavior.
Augusta, Gone
Ben Dudman
Martha is a businesswoman and divorced mother of two children - Augusta and Jack. However, when docile Augusta becomes a teenager, feelings of anger and self-hate cause her personality to undergo a scary transformation, and Martha realizes that this is not just typical teen angst. Augusta begins doing drugs, drinking, and ends up on the streets. Her concerned mother and father reach out to an educational consultant, who advises them to send Augusta to a strict wilderness camp for troubled teens. However, even the institution's experienced and tough administrators find Augusta a difficulty to keep under control. Martha comes to realize that there is no answer to her daughter's behavior.
Augusta, Gone
Martha is a businesswoman and divorced mother of two children - Augusta and Jack. However, when docile Augusta becomes a teenager, feelings of anger and self-hate cause her personality to undergo a scary transformation, and Martha realizes that this is not just typical teen angst. Augusta begins doing drugs, drinking, and ends up on the streets. Her concerned mother and father reach out to an educational consultant, who advises them to send Augusta to a strict wilderness camp for troubled teens. However, even the institution's experienced and tough administrators find Augusta a difficulty to keep under control. Martha comes to realize that there is no answer to her daughter's behavior.
Estrela Solitária
Producer 1
Howard Spence já teve dias melhores. Antes uma grande estrela do cinema, ele agora sobrevive com o remorso de uma vida egoísta, desperdiçada em álcool, drogas e jovens mulheres. Se ele morresse, ninguém derramaria uma lágrima, esta é a triste realidade. Até que, um dia, ele descobre que pode ter se tornado pai de alguma criança em algum lugar...
Judas e Jesus: A História da Traição
Pontius Pilate
Judas meets Jesus and at first doesn't know what to make of him or whether or not to trust him. A cynical city boy, Judas makes fun of the country bumpkin disciples who follow Jesus but eventually decides to join the band, as well. He and Jesus become good friends, even though they often see things very differently. Ultimately, Judas is convinced that Jesus needs to use his popularity and wonder-working powers to free the Jews from the Romans, and Jesus sees a larger, spritual perspective. As a friend, Judas convinces Jesus to give his disciples his miraculous powers, and he does with good results. Finally, the Jewish leaders spy on Judas and convince him of the greater good of betraying Jesus, in order to save the Jewish people. Judas gets caught between the corrupt leaders, Caiaphus and Pontius Pilate, and Jesus.
Where Are They Now?: A Delta Alumni Update
Dr. Eric 'Otter' Stratton, OB / GYN
A hilarious John Landis-created 'mockumentary' that provides updates on what became of Faber College's most notorious alums. Features original cast members.
The King and Queen of Moonlight Bay
Al Dodge
Alison Dodge, a 17-year old raised by her mother, decides on her own to spend her last summer before college getting to know her father
Martha, Inc.: The Story of Martha Stewart
Andy Stewart
Martha, Inc.: The Story of Martha Stewart is a 2003 NBC TV movie starring Cybill Shepherd as Martha Stewart in which the life of Martha Stewart is outlined starting from her life in New Jersey to the scandal behind her arrest.
O Dono da Festa
Vance Wilder Sr.
Van Wilder (Ryan Reynolds) é um jovem que está cursando o 7º ano da Coolidge College e deseja fazer dele o mais divertido ano desde que chegou ao local. Porém, Van Wilder tem alguns problemas. Seu pai resolveu cortar sua mesada, o que o obriga a arranjar um novo meio de obter a quantia necessária para organizar grandes festas, e o ciumento namorado da repórter Gwen Pearson (Tara Reid) está disposto a sabotar suas comemorações de qualquer maneira. Em busca de soluções, talvez Van Wilder seja obrigado a tomar uma medida drástica: se formar na universidade.
Moms on Strike
Alan Harris
She was an overworked mom trying to get her family's attention. She didn't know she would become a national sensation.
Second Honeymoon
A couple, secretly on the verge of announcing plans to divorce, reluctantly depart for a second honeymoon after their family surprises them with a tropical trip as a gift for their 20th wedding anniversary.
Jackie Bouvier Kennedy Onassis
John F. Kennedy
Told in flashbacks as Jackie reflects on her life, mini is divided in two parts: Life as a Kennedy and life after Camelot.
Sharing the Secret
John Moss
A teenage girl, who feels she must always seem happy for her parents and friends, secretly binges and purges.
Hell Swarm
Kirk Bluhdorn
An ex-convict teams with government agents to battle an advanced race bent on conquering Earth.
Hell Swarm
An ex-convict teams with government agents to battle an advanced race bent on conquering Earth.
Navigating the Heart
John Daly
When sophisticated New York journalist Edith Iglauer is assigned to go to British Columbia to write a frivolous piece on the fishing industry, she butts heads with local fisherman and notorious loner, John Daly. While she thrives on the fast-paced life of Manhattan, he loathes pretension and could go days without speaking to anyone. But when the two are caught in a perilous situation, they are forced to put aside their pettiness and re-examine their lives. With external factors stripped away, they begin to fall in love. Ultimately, Edith must decide between staying in the glamorous world she has always cherished or leaving it all behind for a chance at love.
Chump Change
Simon Sez Simone
A failed Hollywood actor returns to his home town in Wisconsin and reminisces about his life in L.A. to a potential new girlfriend about his faults, auditions, misadventures, and confrontations with the evils of Hollywood.
At the Mercy of a Stranger
John Davis
When Thomas, a prominent doctor, hires a hitman to murder his wife, Elizabeth, the hitman decides to help Elizabeth after realizing she is not the person Thomas painted her to be. Together, they plot a way for Thomas to incriminate himself and get arrested.
Espiões em Perigo
An operative for the CIA is captured and interrogated by Korean officials; his bosses, in order to protect national security, decide to bring an old operative out of retirement to retrieve both the agent and the vital information in his possession.
Ela é Demais
Harlan Siler
Zach Siler é o figurão da escola e motivo de inveja dos seus colegas. Porém, sua popularidade diminui drasticamente quando sua namorada, a animadora de torcida, Taylor o deixa pelo ator Brock Hudson. Desesperado para recuperar sua reputação, Siler concorda com um desafio aparentemente impossível. Ele terá seis semanas para ganhar a confiança da nerd Laney Boggs e ajudá-la a se tornar a próxima rainha do baile da escola.
Catch Me If You Can
When a 12 year old boy with an attitude witnesses a mob killing, the job of protecting him falls to a down-on-his luck cop.
The Yearbook: An Animal House Reunion
Himself - 'Otter'
This documentary, created for the Animal House (1978) collector's edition DVD, is composed of a collection of new interviews with the cast and crew behind the making of the film. There's even some archive footage of John Belushi, and many hilarious behind the scenes stories are told. Its evident that they had a great time creating this classic, and memorable comedic landmark of a film.
Forever Love
Alex Brooks
This TVmovie is suggested by a true story. Lizzie and Alex Brooks are a young couple in love and parents of a little girl, Emma. A stroke puts Lizzie into a coma. Alex takes her home, providing love, care and devotion through the years. Gail, Lizzie's best friend, offers a loving friendship to Alex, and she fills in for Lizzie with young Emma. 20 years after her stroke, Lizzie emerges from the coma and begins to try to assimilate back into a world that has radically changed. Emma, who is about to be married, is thrilled to have her mother back, as are Alex and Gail...
A Very Unlucky Leprechaun
Howard Wilson
Nine year old Molly and her father, (Tim Matheson) move to ireland to a house they've inherited nicknamed "Misfortune Manor". It brings bad luck to anyone who lives in it, and Molly and her father soon fall victim to the curse: they will lose their new found home unless they can pay the taxes they owe on it.
Rescuers: Stories of Courage: Two Families
Adolf Althoff
Two compassionate stories about two remarkable families who risk everything to help Jewish refugees during the Holocaust.
Sam Kinison: Why Did We Laugh?
For fans of comedy, Sam Kinison needs no introduction. His scathing comedy tackled tough topics no other comedian dared to touch. Fed up and disenfranchised with his career as a Pentacostal preacher, Sam left the ministry to try his hand at comedy. Almost immediately, and thanks in part to the foresight of Rodney Dangerfield who showcased Sam on an HBO special, his piercing scream, extreme humor and irreverent take on life attracted attention. Containing rare, early footage of Sam preaching and performing stand up at the world famous Comedy Store, the Award Winning "Why Did We Laugh" tells the story of a comedic genius who touched a deeper chord in people than most entertainers. Sadly, Sam was taken from us far too early, yet leaving us with a lasting and unique legacy.
Enterrada Viva
Randy e sua amante Roxanne, inspirados pela lenda que por anos assustou os moradores da cidade, sobre um marido que voltou dos mortos para vingar-se da esposa e seu amante, resolvem assassinar a esposa de Randy. Mas o que parecia impossível aconteceu, após ser enterrada Laura é ajudada por um estranho homem a sair de seu túmulo, e agora ela vai acertar as contas com seu traiçoeiro marido.
Enterrada Viva
Clint Goodman
Randy e sua amante Roxanne, inspirados pela lenda que por anos assustou os moradores da cidade, sobre um marido que voltou dos mortos para vingar-se da esposa e seu amante, resolvem assassinar a esposa de Randy. Mas o que parecia impossível aconteceu, após ser enterrada Laura é ajudada por um estranho homem a sair de seu túmulo, e agora ela vai acertar as contas com seu traiçoeiro marido.
Sleeping with the Devil
Dick Strang
Professional nurse Rebecca Dubrovich is swept off her feet by charming millionaire Dick Strang, and the two begin a passionate romance. Only when it is too late does Rebecca discover that Strang has a very dark side...
A Holiday for Love
Jake Peterson
A man is sent to a small town to assess which of the workers in the local factory that supplies the town with jobs should get the boot when the downsizing begins. He gets sidetracked when he falls in love with a local, a cute single mom.
Buried Secrets
Clay Roff
A young woman moves with her mother to her mother's hometown and is haunted by the ghost of a dead teenager.
A Volta da Família Sol, Lá, Si, Dó
Roy Martin / Trevor Thomas
Mike está planejando uma festa surpresa de aniversário de casamento para Carol - até que antigo primeiro marido de Carol, Roy, aparece para sacudir a árvore genealógica da família. Quando Roy leva Carol para uma viagem romântica no Havaí, os Brady partem em uma perseguição - de diversão, sol e aventura de suas vidas.
Midnight Heat
Tyler Grey
A football player is framed for the murder of his team's owner, whose wife he happens to be sleeping with.
An Unfinished Affair
Alex Connor
When a man ends a regretful love affair that occurred during his wife's illness, his mistress plots revenge by targeting his family's most treasured possessions, a priceless painting and his son.
A Ovelha Negra
Al Donnelly
Candidato ao governo do estado, Al tem uma grande pedra no caminho: seu irmão Mike, um trapalhão de primeira. É quando o comitê decide encontrar alguém para levar Mike para longe, durante a campanha. Mas a concorrente de Al sabe que só precisa trazer Mike de volta, para vencer o pleito.
Twilight Man
Jordan P. Cooper
Jordan Cooper, a professor in Durham, has everything going for him. A beautiful girlfriend named Kathy, a good job and a nice place to live. But when he goes for his annual check up, things go wrong. Someone is tampering with his computer files and all his tests are bad. He is admitted to the hospital and dragged off to the county hospital late that night for a brain operation that he does not need. His electronic records are changing. He gets cable he did not order and then his girlfriend is murdered in his car. Someone is trying to ruin the life of Cooper, and he has to find out who and why before the police catch up to him.
Jonny Quest vs. the Cyber Insects
The evil Dr. Zin has genetically modified household pests into disturbingly large insects that he calls assassinoids, fearless and devoted warriors that will carry out his plan for world domination. Team Quest, headed by internationally respected scientist Benton Quest, is Earth's only hope. When the good doctor becomes Zin's captive, the stakes - and the action quotient - grow higher. Enter Jonny Quest, Dr. Quest's bright, excitable, imaginative and heroic young son, ex-special agent Race Bannon, Jonny's child genius pals Hadji and Jessie (Race's daughter), their robotic pal 4-DAC and bulldog Bandit to complete the job of vermin extermination before it's too late. Your quest for colorful animated excitement ends here with this high-tech feature-length adventure based on the beloved Hanna-Barbera series.
Fast Company
Det. Jack Matthews
A homicide detective is assigned to solve a murder case. The trouble is that his wife, a reporter, has been assigned by her employer to cover the same case. Complications ensue.
Tails You Live, Heads You're Dead
Detective McKinley
An ordinary man's life takes an extraordinary turn for the worst after he finds himself caught in the tangled web of a manipulative mass murderer.
Tails You Live, Heads You're Dead
An ordinary man's life takes an extraordinary turn for the worst after he finds himself caught in the tangled web of a manipulative mass murderer.
Breach of Conduct
Helen attracts the unwanted attention of the commander of her husband's new army base. Colonel Andrew Case arranges to have Helen's husband travel on base business so that he can force Helen to be his new plaything. Helen fights back.
Target of Suspicion
Nick Matthews and his wife and business partner, Jennifer, are in Paris to close a deal with Charles, a Frenchman, to market their perfumes in France. Seduced by a beautiful model after returning her wallet that he finds in his hotel lobby, Nick is later accused of raping and murdering her. On the run from police to find the real killer with the help of a street-smart young French girl, he slowly discovers that no one is what they seemed.
While Justice Sleeps
After the death of her husband, Jody and her daughter Samantha return to her home town. Sometimes she leaves Samantha with her old friend Winn. Only after an accident a doctor discovers that she has been abused - apparently by Winn! Jody reports immediately to the police and tries everything to avoid complications. But when it turns out that Winn still might win the case by some procedural tricks, she commits an act of desperation.
A Kiss to Die For
William Tauber
William, a Harvard psychology professor is having trouble dealing with life after the death of his wife when he meets a beautiful woman named Ali. As their relationship grows, he begins to question her secretive past, which he discovers is linked to a series of murders that the police are investigating. Tim Matheson (Animal House, The West Wing) stars.
Harmful Intent
Dr. Rhodes
An anaesthesiologist is accused of causing a young women's death during childbirth.
Shameful Secrets
Behind the facade of a perfect suburban life lies a secret and insufferable nightmare: a woman and her children are subjected to their father's unpredictable temper and violent outbursts. Fearing for their safety and perhaps their lives, the frightened mother and her children make their daring escape, assuming new identities and going underground to hide from their tormentor. However, the family's refuge from danger is only temporary...in order to be truly free from fear, they must bravely come out of the shadows and confront their enemy face to face
Dying to Love You
Roger Paulson
Roger Paulson is lonely after his divorce. He thinks he has finally found the woman of his dreams...until he uncovers her web of lies.
Trial & Error
Peter Hudson
The young and ambitious district attorney Peter Hudson is convinced that the defendant Andrew Barnes in his current case is guilty, and that winning the case could help him much on his way to become vice-governour of Philadelphia. So he doesn't think twice about influencing witnesses. Only five years later - now head of the Department of Public Prosecution - when he receives a pledge for retrial, he gets doubts and starts investigating again... even risking his career.
Mood Indigo
Dr. Peter Hellman
Suspense tale -- a pilot to a prospective series -- involving a criminal psychologist, struggling to rebuild his life after his wife is brutally murdered by a patient, and a lady lawyer who enlists his help in solving a baffling crime.
Quicksand: No Escape
Scott Reinhardt
A hard-working architect is pulled into intrigue when his wife hires a private investigator to make sure he's just working late. The private eye sees an opportunity to frame him for a murder instead.
The Woman Who Sinned
Michael Robeson
A woman contemplates having an affair, which leads her into a web of deceit, suspense, and murder.
Às Vezes Eles Voltam
Jim Norman
Um professor (Jim Norman) e sua família mudam-se para uma pequena cidade interiorana. Vivendo uma vida mais simples, morando num casa decadente com sua esposa e filho, ele começa a lecionar em uma escola local. Daí começa a ser atormentado por seu passado obscuro. Seu irmão, quando criança, havia sido morto por uma gangue, logo depois os mesmos foram atropelados por um trem dentro do túnel. Apenas Norman conseguiu sobreviver e fugir, tendo presenciado tudo isso. Quando, então começa a lecionar aulas na escola, alguns de seus alunos são mortos e substiutídos pelos assassinos de seu irmão no passado.
Um Sonho Chamado Fred
Recém-separada do marido, mulher reencontra seu amigo imaginário de infância, FRED, que é super pertubado que a leva a fazer mil loucuras e até mesmo ser julgada como louca pelos outros.
Joshua's Heart
A woman is torn between her boyfriend's ending their relationship and being separated from his young son with whom she has bonded.
Solar Crisis
Steve Kelso
A huge solar flare is predicted to fry the Earth. Astronauts aboard the spaceship Helios must go to the Sun to drop a bomb equipped with an Artificial Intelligence and a Japanese pilot at the right time so the flare will point somewhere else.
Sepultado Vivo
Clint Goodman
Uma mulher ambiciosa decide envenenar o marido com a ajuda do amante, um médico local, para ficar com seu dinheiro. Porém, o veneno não é tão eficaz quanto se espera e o homem desperta apavorado após ser dado como morto. Só que isso acontece com ele dentro do caixão, depois de ter sido enterrado. Mas para os amantes, o inesperado acontece: Ele cava com as mãos sua saída e se esconde para se vingar da dupla.
Little White Lies
Dr. Harry MacRae
While detective Liz Donaldson cashes her entire life savings to go to Rome, she meets Dr. Harry MacCrey on the plane. They both lie about their jobs and they fall in love in Rome. But, when they come home they have to try to keep their little white lies to themselves and not let either of them who's who.
Fúria Cega
Nick Parker (Rutger Hauer) foi dado como desaparecido em combate por mais de duas décadas, após ter sido abandonado, cego e moribundo no Vietnam. Quando finalmente regressa a casa, decide procurar e perdoar o seu ex-companheiro de exército, Frank Devereaux (Terrance O'Quinn).Este encontra-se sob o domínio de um corrupto diretor de um casino, que o obriga a manipular drogas. Mas Devereaux tenta fugir, colocando a sua ex-mulher e o seu filho em perigo. Apanhado no meio do caos e perseguido pelos criminosos Nick aproveita a sua capacidade sensorial superior para escapar de uma batalha cheia de acção.
The Littlest Victims
Doctor James Oleske
A Corrida Maluca
Jack O'Neill
An illegal race that takes place over the United States and nothing will stop this bunch of racers except for the occasional cop or a damsel in distress. Jackie Chan's car is not in this one, but many new cars make up for that. Who will win? Who will crash? Who will not even finish? Sit down and buckle up for the ride of your life.
Nikki and Alexander
Alexander is a run of the mill New Yorker who meets Nikki, a Russian homeless girl. He agrees to let Nikki spend the night but she ends up moving in....
Bay Coven
Jerry Lebon
A young newlywed couple move to a remote island only to find a secret coven of witches who want them to join all the fun...or face the consequences.
Warm Hearts, Cold Feet
Mike Byrd
The Byrds are a young couple both working as reporters but for different newspapers. When Mike invents the story of how they had the idea to make a baby his wife at first becomes furious about his article but then she adapts to it and starts to write the story from her side in the other newspaper. Making the articles reality they are now acpecting their first child...
Blind Justice
Jim Anderson
An innocent man is identified as a rapist, and the accusation ruins his life.
Assassinato Por Encomenda
Alan Stanwyk
O dedicado jornalista Irwin "Fletch" Fletcher (Chevy Chase) assina as matérias de sua coluna como "Jane Doe". Ele já causou problemas a diversas pessoas devido as suas bombásticas revelações divulgadas. Certa vez, ele se disfarça de mendigo a fim de recolher informações para uma matéria sobre tráfico de drogas. Assim, ele é abordado por um milionário que lhe oferece US$ 50 mil para matar um homem.
Obsessed with a Married Woman
Tony Hammond
Jane Seymour makes a six-course meal of her starring role as a magazine editor in Obsessed With a Married Woman--indeed, her performance is the only tangible reason for sitting through this artistically bankrupt TV movie. The story contrives to have Seymour, happily married and the mother of a wise-lipped son, fall into the sack with her star reporter Tim Matheson. It seems that Jane has assigned Matheson to do a series of articles on mistresses. He does his homework so well that Jane takes him on as her own "male mistress."
After a small earthquake in a small and quiet town, local citizens start to have a bizarre, violent and self-destructive behavior...
Corrida na Correnteza
Bob McGraw
Os piores estudantes da pior universidade norte-americana recebem um castigo diferente do reitor: participar de um concurso de rafting no interior. Eles aceitam a tarefa, de olho em festas e gatinhas, mas também enfrentam a rivalidade acirrada das outras faculdades – principalmente os membros de uma academia militar.
The Best Legs in Eighth Grade
Mark Fisher
Man reconsiders his life after a chance meeting with a childhood acquaintance.
The House of God
Roy Basch
Comedy about a couple of interns in a hospital named 'The House of God'.
Sou ou Não Sou?
Lt. Andre Sobinski
Mel Brooks comprova que é realmente um tesouro magnífico com sua engenhosa e incrivelmente engraçada refilmagem do clássico de Ernst Lubitsch de 1942. Corretamente descrito como "mundialmente famoso na Polônia", o astro dos palcos Frederick Bronski (Brooks) apresenta Pérolas de Hamlet, enquanto sua sedutora esposa e companheira de palco (Anne Bancroft) diverte-se nos camarins com um jovem e encantador aviador (Tim Matheson). Mas tudo isso é interrompido quando a Trupe Teatral de Bronski é alistada para enganar os nazistas e salvar a resistência polonesa. Miraculosamente desafiados por seus duvidosos disfarces, imitações e números musicais estão um amoroso coronel da SS (o indicado ao Oscar®, Charles Durning) e seu terrível colaborador polonês (Jose Ferrer).
Listen to Your Heart
Josh Stern
This romantic melodrama features a book editor falling in love with his art director.
Bus Stop
Bo Decker
The story is set in a diner in rural Kansas, about 25 miles west of Kansas City, Missouri during a snowstorm from which bus passengers must take shelter.
A Little Sex
Michael Donovan
Michael and Katherine have enjoyed a long relationship together even before they tie the knot. But Michael does not hide the fact he's a womanizer and sex addict, cheating on Katherine during their pre-married relationship. Because Katherine is genuinely in love with him, she is willing to overlook this and believes that perhaps marriage will change things.
1941: Uma Guerra Muito Louca
Capt. Loomis Birkhead
Após o ataque japonês à Pearl Harbor, os residentes da Califórnia entram em pânico com medo de serem o próximo alvo. Entre eles estão Wild Bill Kelso, um piloto louco da Guarda Nacional; o Sargento Frank Tree, um patriota, comandante do grupo de tanque; Ward Douglas, um civil com vontade de ajudar a guerra americana a qualquer esforço e custo e o Major General Joseph W. Stilwell, que tenta duramente manter a sanidade no meio do caos.
A Gangue da Tortinha de Maçã Ataca Novamente
Jeff Reed
Amos e Theodore, os dois atrapalhados aspirantes a bandidos da Apple Dumpling Gang, estão de volta tentando continuar por sua conta.
Harold "Dreamer" Nuttingham
The dream began 20 years ago, when a young pinsetter watched a star bowler win a championship. Now, Harold (Dreamer) Nuttingham has a chance to attain his dream — to win the Tournament of Champions and buy his own lanes. But what price will he pay? The woman he loves sees only that his dream re-locates her to second place in his life; Harry White, his friend and mentor pushes him to become the champion Harry wanted to be — and never was. Torn between ambition and love, Dreamer fights to have both.
Almost Summer
Kevin Hawkins
A high-school election gets nasty.
Clube dos Cafajestes
Eric "Otter" Stratton
1962. Larry Kroger (Tom Hulce) e Kent Dorfman (Stephen Furst) são calouros na faculdade e sonham em entrar para uma fraternidade. Após não conseguirem entrar para a Omega eles resolvem tentar a Delta, que tem a fama de ser a pior fraternidade do campus. Lá eles conhecem Eric (Tim Matheson), Boone (Peter Reigert) e sua namorada Katy (Karen Allen), Hoover (James Widdoes) e Bluto (John Belushi). Larry e Kent logo são aceitos na fraternidade e passam a viver uma vida regada a viagens, piadas e festas de pijama. Só que Dean Wormer (John Vernon) está decidido a expulsar a Delta do campus da faculdade, contando com a ajuda dos integrantes da Omega.
Mary White
William L. White
The true story of the relationship between famed author William Allen White and his teenaged daughter Mary, who died in a horseback-riding accident at age 16, and the powerful effect the tragedy had on the life of her father.
The War Widow
Amy's Husband (voice)
Originally broadcast by KCET (PBS) on their dramatic showcase series, "Visions," this sweet, quiet film is set during World War I. It is the story of Amy, a proper, but lonely housewife whose husband is away at war. She finds solace in a friendship with a more worldly female photographer, only to have her entire world turned upside down when the friendship becomes genuine love and she is forced to choose. Groundbreaking for its powerful yet non-prurient portrayal of lesbian first love.
The Captive: The Longest Drive 2
Quentin Beaudine
The Quest
Quentin Beaudine
Eight years ago, Cheyenne Indians attacked the Baudine Family wagon and captured Morgan (Kurt Russell), whom they renamed Two Persons. Now Two Persons, raised in the ways of the Indians, has been reunited with his brother Quentin (Tim Matheson), a doctor and a stranger to frontier ways. Together the brothers set out in search of their sister Patricia, who was also captured and who Two Persons believes is still alive.
The Hemingway Play
Writer Ernest Hemingway confronts himself at various stages of his life.
The Quest: The Longest Drive
Quentin Beaudine
To save an old friend's ranch, the Beaudine brothers round up a gang of misfits to drive a huge herd to market.
Uma Embarcação Para o Inferno
Danny Worth
Two bargemen on the Mississippi River find themselves mixed up in a kidnapping and hijacking plot.
The Last Day
Emmet Dalton
The Dalton gang is riding again, forcing a retired gunman to use his weapons once more.
Remember When
Warren Thompson
An uncle's (Jack Warden) memories give strength to a New England family with four sons fighting in World War II.
Magnum 44
Phil Sweet
O detetive Harry Callahan (Clint Eastwood) reaparece para descobrir quem está por trás de uma onda de assassinatos, pois alguém está fazendo justiça com as próprias mãos ao matar os principais chefões do crime de São Francisco.
Lock, Stock and Barrel
A young frontier couple elope, are chased by the girl's father and brothers, join up with an escaped convict and get mixed up with a charlatan preacher.
Clare Bridgeman
The adventures of a newly married teenage couple in the Old West.
How to Commit Marriage
David Poe
A young couple decide to live together and they wind up having a baby. They decide they should give the baby up for adoption. The baby's Mother's parents wind up adopting the baby using a fake name.
Trial Run
Delivery Person
A slice-of-life drama involving a young lawyer, his adoring secretary who tries to help to advance his career, and his employer, a famed lawyer burdened with an unfaithful wife.
Os Seus, Os Meus, Os Nossos
Mike Beardsley
Um homem com 10 filhos se casa com uma mulher com oito filhos e formam uma enorme família. Quando um viúvo com 10 filhos se casa com uma viúva com oito, poderão os 20 viverem juntos como uma grande família feliz? Desde encontrar uma casa grande o suficiente para todos eles e aprender a fazer 18 merendas escolares, até lidar com um filho indo para a guerra e um acréscimo inesperado na família, "Os Seus, Os Meus, Os Nossos" tenta juntar duas famílias em uma e espera responder à grande pergunta: Maior Realmente É Melhor?
The Hardy Boys: The Mystery of the Chinese Junk
Joe Hardy
The Hardy Boys become owners of the Chinese junk Hai Hau. They head to New York City and go spelunking to break up a gang of criminals.
Divorce American Style
Mark Harmon
After 17 years of marriage in American suburbia, Richard and Barbara Harmon step into the new world of divorce.