Corin Nemec

Corin Nemec

Nascimento : 1971-11-05, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA


Corin "Corky" Nemec (nascido Joseph Charles Nemec IV, 5 de novembro de 1971) é um ator americano. Nemec é conhecida por interpretar o personagem do título em Parker Lewis Can not Lose, Jonas Quinn em Stargate SG-1 e Harold Lauder na miniserie ABC The Stand. Descrição acima do artigo de Wikipedia Corin Nemec, licenciado sob CC-BY-SA, lista completa de contribuidores na Wikipédia.


Corin Nemec
Corin Nemec
Corin Nemec
Corin Nemec
Corin Nemec


I feel fine.
Donnie Taylor
Ozzy Taylor, a charismatic high school teen, who discovers he can't control his intrusive thoughts of suicide, sets off on a life-changing shift in his destiny.
"Savage" is a gripping action drama where Frank Savage, a battle-hardened ex-soldier, faces a moral crossroads. To secure his ailing mother's medical treatment, he reluctantly joins a dangerous bank heist led by his old war buddy, Vernon. However, the heist spins into chaos, leaving Frank with a brutal choice. Loyalty to Vernon, the friend from his past, or protecting Sommer, a woman held hostage. He must not only protect Sommer, but also fight for his own redemption, setting the stage for an intense battle of survival and showdown.
Dead Man's Hand
A newly married gunfighter seeks a quiet life with his bride. When he kills a bandit in self-defense, he finds them both pulled back into his old ways. The corrupt mayor of their locale will not let his brother's death go unpunished.
Le Défi de Noël
Matthew Anderson
Ashley Leroy is the first french football player to ever win the Ballon d'or. To put and end to her successful career, she decides to play at En Avant Guingamp. But, after a great first season, the next one is complicated. Unable to score a single goal, the press says she's too old and the club's president want to transfer her. Then, during the few weeks before Christmas, Ashley will leave for a journey and meet someone inexpected.
Sobreviva ou Morra Tentando
Beat Cop
Zoe é uma jovem de 17 anos cheia de raiva, lidando com a morte de sua mãe. Quando sua escola é invadida por estudantes armados, ela fará tudo para enfrentar os agressores e salvar seus colegas.
My True Fairytale
Terry Knight
Angie Goodwin foge após um terrível acidente de carro para realizar seu sonho de se tornar uma super-heroína.
Deadly Excursion: Kidnapped from the Beach
David McCarthy
Having survived a kidnapping attempt in an international bride slave trade scheme, restaurateur Samantha McCarthy and her husband David ignore FBI warnings and visit Ft.
A Treinadora Errada
Jon e sua filha Hanna se mudam de Chicago para a Califórnia para começar vida nova depois da morte da mãe da garota. Lá, Hanna é convidada pela sra. Burke, treinadora das líderes de torcida, a se juntar ao time. Devan, a nova treinadora assistente, oferece aulas particulares de torcida, mas ela está mais interessada em Jon.
The Wrong Stepfather
A happy engagement to a charming college adviser soon turns into real fear when a teacher worries her fiancé may be the wrong stepfather for her daughter.
All Roads to Pearla
Cowboy Loy
A Texas town awakes when a high school wrestler gets entangled with a drifter and her psychopathic lover. Lives then intertwine and spiral violently out of control once he becomes her escort driver.
Puppy Swap: Love Unleashed
An engaged couple adopts two puppies but when they decide to split up, the puppies hatch a plan to bring the two back together.
A Madrasta Errada
Michael, que perdeu sua esposa alguns anos atrás, tem sido usado para ser um pai solteiro para suas duas filhas até que sua nova namorada Maddie aparece.
A Woman's Nightmare
Kevin Peterson
A mother and wife finds herself haunted by a brief affair she had while separated from her husband. With her scorned lover refusing to give up, she must fight to keep her family and her secret safe.
Deadly Excursion
David McCarthy
A woman and her daughter charter a sail boat while on spring break only to discover the captain has plans to make sure they never return home.
Peter Rottentail
Adaptated from the cult graphic novel, Rottentail is the story of geeky fertility researcher Peter Cotton who, when bitten by a mutant rabbit, transforms into a vengeance-seeking half-man/half-bunny. What's a boy to do? Why, take a hippity, hoppity trip home of course! Peter begins a bloody killing spree of revenge that culminates in his childhood hometown of Easter Falls.
Adaptated from the cult graphic novel, Rottentail is the story of geeky fertility researcher Peter Cotton who, when bitten by a mutant rabbit, transforms into a vengeance-seeking half-man/half-bunny. What's a boy to do? Why, take a hippity, hoppity trip home of course! Peter begins a bloody killing spree of revenge that culminates in his childhood hometown of Easter Falls.
Matt Lewis
Um jovem casal está radiante à espera do nascimento de seu bebê, mas quando a obstetra se revela uma loba em pele de cordeiro tudo muda de figura. Determinada a ficar com a criança, a médica não medirá esforços para atingir seus objetivos.
A Christmas Cruise
When her best friend invites her along for a holiday themed sail, an aspiring novelist, Pam, unexpectedly finds the love of her life on board. But what will happen when the ship returns to port for Christmas?
This Is Christmas
Christmas is approaching, and best friends Harry, Jordan, Ben, and Dennis are at their annual get together before the holidays. As they share stories of their past year, it is clear they all still have a lot of growing to do. Jimmy struggles with an unhappy marriage and an ill-timed affair with his daughter's 17 year old babysitter. Meanwhile, his best friend Jordan splits from his partner, Steve, only to discover he may not be the biological father of their daughter. Harry struggles with an estranged relationship with his father and his ex-wife. But everything turns into total chaos when Ben loses custody of his son and decides kidnapping is the only way to save his family. Now these friends must come together and do the right thing, proving family and friendship is what is most important. With an all star ensemble cast, "This Is Christmas" is perfect for the holidays. -- from WowNow Entertainment
Girlfriend Killer
Detective Baker
A business woman who creates the perfect marriage proposals for wealthy men, becomes the target of a crazy client's obsession when she shows him compassion after his girlfriend publicly rejects him.
Doomsday Device
After the passing of his estranged father, Nick Simon returns home to settle his small estate. But in rummaging through his father's belongings, he and an appraiser unknowingly trigger an ancient Sumerian doomsday device. To make matters worse, It's just been stolen! Now, amidst every natural disaster imaginable, Nick and Angie must recover and reverse the stolen device. But with the fate of the world hanging in the balance, will they be able to stop it in time?
Renegades: The Requiem: Part 1
Captain Alvarez
Everything the Admiral has feared for the Confederation, begins to come to pass. As a secret cabal enacts plans for galactic dominance on a scale never before seen, The Admiral and his crack team of Renegades do everything in their power to stop them. But their enemy is more powerful than they can imagine and The Admiral is left with a decision he never wanted to make. But will the sacrifice be too great?
Marriage of Lies
Det. Gus Ferguson
When Rachel’s husband disappears, the police have one suspect: her. While trying to prove her innocence, she uncovers many secrets about the man she married.
Guerras de Drones
Um céu encoberto por fogo e fumaça é tomado por naves pilotadas em diversas direções para extração de recursos na Terra, enquanto Drones patrulham cidades em ruínas, apreendendo tudo o que eles considerem uma ameaça.
Extinction: Patient Zero
A group of scientists trapped in a safe room have a limited time to discover if they've been infected by a deadly virus and whether they can escape or face the exposure protocols that have been activated.
Star Trek: Renegades
Captain Alvarez
Ten years after the starship Voyager's return from the Delta Quadrant, the Federation is in a crisis. The Federation's main suppliers of dilithium crystals (the primary catalyst for the fuel used in faster-than-light travel) are disappearing. Space and time have folded around several planets, isolating them from outside contact. The phenomenon is unnatural – someone or something is causing it to happen. The need to stop this necessitates drastic measures, some of which are outside the Federation’s normal jurisdiction.
Pânico no Lago: Projeto Anaconda
William 'Tull' Tully
Quando um crocodilo colossal e uma cobra gigante entram em confronto, é preciso encontrar uma maneira de detê-los antes que destruam a cidade.
Sharkmania: The Top 15 Biggest Baddest Bloodiest Bites
We take a fun look back at the 15 biggest, baddest, bloodiest, bad-assed shark movie bites of all time. This adrenaline filled special event program features the funniest comedians, actors and other celebrities giving us the 411 on their most favorite movie shark attacks from those films. We'll range from the classic "Jaws" to the outrageousness of "Sharktopus" and "MegaShark vs. Giant Octopus."
When a top-secret unmanned spacecraft disintegrates on re-entry, its mysterious military payload crash-lands in the crocodile habitat of a place called Adventure Land, a combination water park, amusement land, and world-famous crocodile exhibit. Following its pre-programmed instructions, the payload—a next-generation nanotech-based combat drone—finds a host in the form of the park’s prize twenty-foot Australian Saltwater crocodile, Stella. She is the largest saltwater croc in captivity. Immediately upon infecting its host, the drone payload’s nanobots begin to transform Stella from an organic living creature into a lethal killing machine with only a single directive: survival!
Momento Mágico
Clark sempre sonhou em se mudar para Hollywood para se tornar um roteirista famoso, então, quando um grande filme de Hollywood começa a ser filmado em sua pitoresca cidade natal, ele fica muito emocionado. Clark entra no set de filmagem e rapidamente se vê cara a cara com o grande filme estrela, Helena Harris. Os dois formam um vínculo rápido e Helena até se oferece para ajudá-lo a transformar seu roteiro em um filme se ele se mudar para Los Angeles. Parece que os sonhos de Clark estão se encaixando. Mas o romance de Clark com Helena é complicado pelo retorno de Emily, sua namorada do colégio e único amor verdadeiro. Quando as filmagens chegam ao fim, Clark deve olhar em seu coração e escolher entre seguir Helena para Hollywood ou ficar com Emily na cidade da qual ela sempre tentou escapar .
A catastrophic volcanic eruption releases ancient dragon-like creatures on the surrounding areas. Scientists believe this could start a chain reaction of volcanic eruptions giving way to a global Dragon Apocalypse.
Professor Simon Lowell
A catastrophic volcanic eruption releases ancient dragon-like creatures on the surrounding areas. Scientists believe this could start a chain reaction of volcanic eruptions giving way to a global Dragon Apocalypse.
Jurassic Attack
Colonel Carter
While returning from a military expedition a helicopter crash lands a commando unit in a dense, remote tropical jungle – a lost world populated by dinosaurs. Now they must find a way out of this isolated valley before becoming prey for prehistoric predators.
Nuclear Family
Associate Producer
Nuclear Family begins the story of a young couple, John and Lynn, who are trying to survive in the woods after what appears to be a nuclear holocaust. They stay on the move with their 11-year-old daughter, Pauline... all the while searching for their missing 8-year-old son, Grant. Meanwhile, present society has disintegrated, and the family must stay one step ahead of the Berserkers: lawless, wild, brutal men who rape,pillage and destroy as a way of life. Shot as a pilot presentation for a TV series the story will take this family, and the others they meet along the way in their search for Grant and to avoid the Berserkers, to discoveries beyond the existing reality. Written by Clay Keeley Executive Producer
Nuclear Family
Nuclear Family begins the story of a young couple, John and Lynn, who are trying to survive in the woods after what appears to be a nuclear holocaust. They stay on the move with their 11-year-old daughter, Pauline... all the while searching for their missing 8-year-old son, Grant. Meanwhile, present society has disintegrated, and the family must stay one step ahead of the Berserkers: lawless, wild, brutal men who rape,pillage and destroy as a way of life. Shot as a pilot presentation for a TV series the story will take this family, and the others they meet along the way in their search for Grant and to avoid the Berserkers, to discoveries beyond the existing reality. Written by Clay Keeley Executive Producer
A young girl and the babysitter she's idolized for years accidentally kill the older girl's ex-boyfriend.
Terror Tropical
Uma cientista pede a ajuda do exército dos EUA para investigar o misterioso desaparecimento de seu pai, no meio da selva de Belize. Apanhados no fogo cruzado entre um exército de guerrilha brutal controlada por um senhor da guerra mística, eles também são confrontados por um terror ainda maior - gigantes vespas mutantes que são, por alguma razão, sedento por sangue.
Terror Tropical
John Hammond
Uma cientista pede a ajuda do exército dos EUA para investigar o misterioso desaparecimento de seu pai, no meio da selva de Belize. Apanhados no fogo cruzado entre um exército de guerrilha brutal controlada por um senhor da guerra mística, eles também são confrontados por um terror ainda maior - gigantes vespas mutantes que são, por alguma razão, sedento por sangue.
Tubarões da Areia
Chega o grande evento “Sandman Festival”, mas para os foliões não será apenas alegria, pois um terrível tubarão começa a atacar os banhistas até na areia.
Tubarões da Areia
Jimmy Green
Chega o grande evento “Sandman Festival”, mas para os foliões não será apenas alegria, pois um terrível tubarão começa a atacar os banhistas até na areia.
A Casa de Ossos
Quentin French
Psychic Heather Burton and a team of TV ghost hunters travel to investigate a haunted house surrounded by rumors of paranormal activity.
Dr. Callaby
Plagued by uninsured patients, greedy insurance companies, heartless health care conglomerates, and stressed out doctors, the health care delivery system is on the verge of a total breakdown - and Jake Gorman couldn't be happier as suing doctors has made Jake a famous and very wealthy man. Jake never met a doctor he couldn't sue, until now.
Uma Carta ao Pai
Teenage Dan
Dan Donahue (Thom Mathews), finalmente, encontrou a mulher de seus sonhos. Mas, na noite em que decide pedi-la em casamento, ele percebe que lembranças do passado as quais ainda o atormentam o impedem de seguir em frente e ser feliz. Dan, então, decide escrever uma carta a seu pai expondo seus sentimentos e revelando suas dores e frustrações causadas pelo abandono sofrido no passado.
Bundy: A Legacy of Evil
Ted Bundy
Bundy, starring Corin Nemec in the title role and co-starring Kane Hodder, details the dark psyche and previously unexplored motivations of the man who became known as one of the most notorious serial killers to leave behind a legacy of evil.
Boston Strangler: The Untold Story
Stuart Whitmore
Boston Strangler: The Untold Story is an intense true-crime thriller about Albert De Salvo, a wise cracking, small time criminal with an unrelenting sex drive, who ultimately falsely confesses to being the strangler that wreaked havoc in Boston during the early sixties. Guided by his manipulative cell mate, who knows more about the murders than he reveals, they devise a plan to gain all of the notoriety from the killings and the money from the reward. Meanwhile, Detective John Marsden, searches out the truth certain that they were not committed by one man. Fighting the bureaucracy of the day, Marsden lets his emotions get the best of him as he follows the trail of the murders.
Feras do Mar
Will McKenna
Na aldeia de pescadores de Cedar Bay, o terror está dentro da água. E agora ele vem à tona em busca de algo mais substancial do que devorar a vida marinha: carne humana. Um capitão e uma bióloga marinha travam uma aterradora batalha contra as criaturas mortais, a fim de salvar a humanidade da extinção total.
My Apocalypse
Stewart Savage
In an apocalyptic future, a serial killer holds his family and another family hostage in an attempt to change his life.
The American Standards
Doc Jennings
At a crossroads in his life, Doc Jennings goes home to celebrate his mother's birthday and uncovers dramatic family secrets. Lies, affairs and afflictions bubble to the surface of his seemingly perfect family. Can they come back together or is it too late?
Chicago Massacre: Richard Speck
Richard Speck
A thriller film based on a real-life mass murder that took place in 1966. Richard Franklin Speck was a mass murderer who systematically tortured, raped and murdered eight student nurses from South Chicago Community Hospital in 1966.
Chicago Massacre: Richard Speck
A thriller film based on a real-life mass murder that took place in 1966. Richard Franklin Speck was a mass murderer who systematically tortured, raped and murdered eight student nurses from South Chicago Community Hospital in 1966.
Hidden Secrets
Michael Stover
Lifestyles and attitudes clash in this faith-based dramedy when a young man finds himself torn between his current girlfriend and an old flame at the funeral of a friend.
High Hopes
Hollywood hopeful Tom Murphy and his posse are pinning their dreams of success on having Tom’s famous girlfriend star in their first feature. That is, until she dumps him. Now the plan is to steal a case of government-issued marijuana, return it to the FBI and use the reward money to finance their movie, creating a hilarious comedy about big plans and the lengths friends will go to for a good bud.
S.S. Doomtrooper
Captain Malloy
A genetically bred Nazi super soldier fights Allied troops.
Mosquito Man
Lt. Thomas Randall
Police lieutenant detective Thomas 'Thom' Randall's steady girl-friend, Dr. Jennifer 'Jen' Allen, is Dr. Aaron Michaels's main assistant on his pharmaceutical firm Bellion's research program to cure the highly contagious, fatal infection Guinin. A convicted murderer, whom Thom arrested, is one of their special drug test subjects, but escapes. The convict and Jen are affected by radioactively altered DNA from an experimental reactor used on mosquitoes which transfer quinine. The convict soon mutates into a mosquito-like monster, which sucks its victims dry. By the time Thom and his junior murder brigade partner Charlie Morrison figure out what happens, Jen starts mutating herself.
Tubarões Assassinos
Dr. Mike Olsen
Dr. Mike Olsen e sua esposa Linda Olsen estão monitorando o fundo do mar e ficam surpresos quando constatam que mais de cem tubarões foram atraídos para a região: o Triângulo das Bermudas. Mas o que eles não sabem é que o estranho fenômeno é causado por um objeto que caiu próximo do local. Quando mergulham em uma missão são atacados violentamente pelas criaturas que também destroem o principal cabo que sustenta e torna viável a vida dentro do submerso laboratório. Sem o abastecimento de oxigênio e sofrendo ataques dos tubarões, todos ficam presos. Sem saída em um laboratório com a estruturada abalada e preste a se romper a qualquer momento.
Centered around the 2002 massacres in Gujarat, the film tells the story of a happy family that is torn apart by the loss of their son Parzan.
Brother's Keeper
Ellis Pond
The FBI sought the help of Lucinda Pond, a former agent of the body, to try to locate the author of a series of murders that allegedly may have committed his brother. Lucinda, who left the police years ago, decides to help reluctantly convinced by an old boyfriend. The tracks are directly related to the abuse that Lucinda and her brother suffered during his childhood, which seems to be in the suspect has caused a serious psychological disorder.
Killer Bud
Waylen Smythe
After losing another job, two idiots embark on an adventure of mythic proportion: to acquire "Feed Bags," the discontinued entire-meal-in-a-bag, to impress their two equally dim-witted dates. When the only convenience store in town that carries the discontinued food item is found closed, Waylon and Buzz break in and can't break out.
Eric Sessions
A mother and her two children are stuck in a mall during a power outage while police hunt for a killer.
Shadow Hours
Michael is a recovering addict. Back on the wagon, he's now responsible for a young, beautiful, and pregnant wife. He's working the graveyard shift at a gas station to support his new family, but the job drives him crazy. Then a wealthy stranger, Stuart, enters Michael's life, taking Michael through a tour of the seediest and slimiest parts of L.A. underbelly. Is Stuart leading Michael to hell, or salvation?
Foreign Correspondents
Two stories of complicated long-distance relationships between people from different countries.
Blade Squad
This futuristic action-thriller is set in a world in which police officers wear heavy body armor and get around on especially designed in-line skates. The story centers on the cop's attempts to take down a murderous crime lord.
Silencing Mary
David MacPherson
Frustrated that school officials and police won't punish her university's star football player for raping her roommate, student reporter Mary begins working on an article about the crime for the newspaper. But she faces violence and threats as a result.
The Process
When martial arts champion Pinoy (Shishir Inocalla) travels to America, his fighting skills are put to the test when he finds himself in the middle of a violent gang war. Forced into sudden street combat against fierce members of the Crazy Dragons gang, Pinoy saves the life of Jesse (Ernie Reyes, Jr. - Red Sonja,The Last Dragon). Impressed with Pinoy's amazing fighting abilities and grateful for his life, Jesse befriends the stranger, introducing him to his father.
Goodbye America
John Stryzack
It is November 1992 and the US Navy is preparing to surrender its largest overseas facility at Subic Bay, Philippines, after almost a century. For both countries, and for the navy, it is a time of change. Violence erupts shortly after the U.S. Navy announces plans to withdraw from a Philippine base in 1992.
The First to Go
Danny Ames
A romantic comedy about the first of a tight group of friends to get married.
Lembranças Vivas
Jeremy Collier is a Vietnam veteran who has returned home and is struggling to cope with the war experiences that haunt him. He is also at odds with his family, who cannot begin to understand what he has been through. Jeremy's battles with his family finally spiral out of control on Thanksgiving Day, when a bitter secret is revealed
Summer of Fear
The presence of a malicious stranger threatens to destroy the peace and harmony of a vacationing executive's family life.
Mojave - Sob O Luar Do Deserto
Car Thief
Em Los Angeles, Al McCord (Danny Aiello), um vendedor de automóveis, está com dois amigos em um restaurante quando Eleanor Rigby (Angelina Jolie), uma jovem mulher bela e sexy, chega no local e se insinua para ele. Já no apartamento dele ela fala que precisa de uma carona para o deserto de Mojave, onde Julie (Anne Archer), sua mãe, vive. Assim Al se prontifica a levá-la, mas quando lá chegam ele começa a se apaixonar por Julie e é correspondido. Porém há um problema, pois o namorado dela é agressivo e está disposto a fazer qualquer coisa para controlar a situação.
Operação Dumbo
Sp5 Lawrence Farley
Um capitão do exército veterano e esperto tem de trabalhar junto com um oficial correto de West Point na manobra militar "mais peso pesado" da história. A tarefa deles: transportar secretamente um elefante adulto por 300 quilômetros de terreno acidentado.
Zona Mortal
'Selly' Selkirk
Um criminoso consegue fugir de pára-quedas quando é transportado em um avião da polícia. Por causa disso, o agente Pete Nessip (Wesley Snipes) que o acompanhava é suspenso, mas decide procurar o preso fugitivo por conta própria. Assim, ele acaba se infiltrando no mundo dos paraquedistas profissionais e descobre o envolvimento da gangue em uma complicada trama de venda de informações secretas do governo para criminosos.
The Lifeforce Experiment
Ken Ryan
A CIA agent infiltrates the research team of a scientist who seeks to capture the essence of a dying leukemia patient.
My Son Johnny
Anthony Cortino lives with his mother in a quiet suburb. His father is dead, and his violent criminal brother is a long way off, in the city, and if Anthony has his way, that's where he will stay. However, Johnny runs into trouble with the police in the city, and when he asks to come home, his mother agrees, despite Anthony's objections. A reign of terror begins for Anthony then, for as long as Johnny is around, Anthony is never safe, and never has been.
For the Very First Time
A teen-aged Catholic girl carries on a secret relationship.
Solar Crisis
Mike Kelso
A huge solar flare is predicted to fry the Earth. Astronauts aboard the spaceship Helios must go to the Sun to drop a bomb equipped with an Artificial Intelligence and a Japanese pilot at the right time so the flare will point somewhere else.
Tucker, um Homem e seu Sonho
Na década de 1940, um norte-americano visionário constrói um carro muito avançado para os padrões da época. O projeto ameaça o monopólio estabelecido e, com a ajuda do governo, a Ford, a Chrisley e a GM boicotam Tucker até o levarem à falência. Apenas 50 carros foram produzidos por sua fábrica. Longa-metragem baseada em acontecimentos reais de Francis Ford Coppola com Jeff Bridges no papel principal.
Place of Bones
In 1876, a mother and daughter fight for survival after a gang of outlaws descend on their ranch following a botched bank robbery.