Jamie Foote


Fear the Invisible Man
Production Design
A young British widow shelters an old medical school colleague, a man who has somehow turned himself invisible. As his isolation grows and his sanity frays, he schemes to create a reign of wanton murder and terror across the city.
Atrás da Linha: Fuga para Dunkirk
Set Dresser
França, II Guerra Mundial. Um grupo de soldados britânicos é capturado pelo alemães. Quando um comandante nazista começa a forçar lutas de boxe para entreter a companhia, os presos percebem que podem usá-las para tentar escapar.
The Pharaoh in the Suburb: Uncovered
A chance find in a suburb of Cairo has shed new light on an all but forgotten Pharaoh, Psamtik I. Discovered in 2017, an eight-tonne fragment of a statue has led experts to believe that he was, in fact, one of Egypt’s greatest leaders, as this documentary reveals