Jimon Terakado

Nascimento : 1962-11-25, Hyogo, Japan


His birth name is Yoshihito Terakado


Food Luck!
Yoshito grew up with his mother Yasue after his father passed away. His mother ran a yakiniku (grilled meat) restaurant that his father had left behind. Yoshito enjoyed eating his mother's cooking and their restaurant was loved by many people. Things changed after popular food critic Furuyama Tatsuya published false statements about their yakiniku restaurant. Due to that, their restaurant saw a sharp drop in customers. Yasue worked hard to recover business for the restaurant. Due to Yoshito's behavior in wanting attention from his mom, Yasue decided to shut down the restaurant. 18 years later, Yoshito lives alone and he works as a freelance writer. One day, he takes work for a new online foodie website. He works with editor Takenaka Shizuka. Their first assignment involves yakiniku. Around that time, Yoshito hears that his estranged mother Yasue has collapsed.
Food Luck!
Yoshito grew up with his mother Yasue after his father passed away. His mother ran a yakiniku (grilled meat) restaurant that his father had left behind. Yoshito enjoyed eating his mother's cooking and their restaurant was loved by many people. Things changed after popular food critic Furuyama Tatsuya published false statements about their yakiniku restaurant. Due to that, their restaurant saw a sharp drop in customers. Yasue worked hard to recover business for the restaurant. Due to Yoshito's behavior in wanting attention from his mom, Yasue decided to shut down the restaurant. 18 years later, Yoshito lives alone and he works as a freelance writer. One day, he takes work for a new online foodie website. He works with editor Takenaka Shizuka. Their first assignment involves yakiniku. Around that time, Yoshito hears that his estranged mother Yasue has collapsed.
We Love Television?
As the Gods Will
Kokeshi (voice)
O estudante do ensino médio Shun Takahata está entediado. Entediado com a monotonia do dia-a-dia da escola e da vida, ele reza por mudanças, por algo emocionante. De repente, ele e seus colegas são forçados a jogar jogos infantis mortais e enfrentar criaturas aterrorizantes, desde uma boneca Daruma falante até um gato sortudo de garras afiadas.
Depois de uma sangrenta batalha, um guerreiro faz um pacto com 48 demônios: Em troca de poder, ele dá todos os membros e órgãos internos de seu futuro filho aos demônios. Ao nascer completamente sem órgãos e membros, o bebê é abandonado num rio e adotado por um velho eremita, que com a ciência e tecnologia que só existem no mundo dos mangás, constrói os membros e órgãos para a criança a partir de pedaços de cadáveres. Ao crescer, Hyakkimaru descobre que se quiser ter os seus membros e órgãos verdadeiros de volta, precisa de matar os demônios a quem os membros foram oferecidos...