Color Designer
Color Designer
In the year 2045, where the Internet and AI are commonplace even in space, and centers on a group of children stranded in space after a large-scale accident occurs in a space station. By using narrowband, social networking, and a drone that they can manipulate through smartphones and low-intelligence AI, they overcome many crises.
Color Designer
In the year 2045, where the Internet and AI are commonplace even in space, and centers on a group of children stranded in space after a large-scale accident occurs in a space station. By using narrowband, social networking, and a drone that they can manipulate through smartphones and low-intelligence AI, they overcome many crises.
Color Designer
Ela se transforma em uma gata para conquistar o crush. Mas, sem que se dê conta, fica cada vez mais difícil distinguir a versão humana da animal.
Costume Design
Acompanhe uma jovem guerreira e sua busca pelo lugar sagrado que, dizem, satisfaz desejos. É melhor não irritar os guardiões e espíritos antigos.
Color Designer
Acompanhe uma jovem guerreira e sua busca pelo lugar sagrado que, dizem, satisfaz desejos. É melhor não irritar os guardiões e espíritos antigos.
Color Designer
The story revolves around five boy who each possess a trait that have negative effects on them. The handsome boys owe a monetary debt to Sakiko Horinomiya, a girl from a rich family. Wanting the money back, she makes them enter the "Motemen Koshien" contest, so they can pay her back using the prize money.
Color Designer
The date: 2015 AD. The Angels’ assaults on Tokyo-3 have increased in its ferocity. In this city, three young girls upload their latest song onto Nico Nico Douga.