Animation Supervisor
Kenichi Sonoda announced at Anime Central that he launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund a new "Bean Bandit" anime. He confirmed that the project will meld elements of Riding Bean and Gunsmith Cats, and like these previous works it will take place in Chicago.
Key Animation
A história se passa em Kojima, prefeitura de Okayama no ano 2020, dois dias após a data programada dos Jogos Olímpicos de Tokyo. Kokone vive com seu pai, que está sempre trabalhando na modificação de carros. Quando ela começa a investigar um sonho estranho que tem se repetido, Kokone descobre um segredo sobre sua família.
Key Animation
As a little boy Kei saw his fisherman father lost at sea only seconds after catching his parting gift of a pan flute carved from whalebone. A few years later young Kei and his kid brother Moito discover a baby whale trapped by a rock in a shallow inlet near the Spanish coast.