Lighting Technician
Isolated from the outside world, fifteen-year-old Lara lives in seclusion on a vast country estate with her father and strict governess Miss Fontaine. Late one evening, a mysterious carriage crash brings a young girl into their home to recuperate. Lara immediately becomes enchanted by this strange visitor who arouses her curiosity and awakens her burgeoning desires.
Os pilotos poloneses superam o preconceito para lutar ao lado da Royal Air Force contra a Luftwaffe durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, na esperança de proteger a Grã Bretanha e a própria Polônia dos avanços alemães.
As explicit photos of the school’s ‘it’ couple go viral, and real-world consequences of online life spread, so do everyone’s opinions... Birds and Bees is a brand new play by award-winning writer Charlie Josephine exploring the complicated nature of teenage relationships using spoken word, physical theatre and a specially commissioned soundtrack.