A woman, unhappy with her life, makes a wish for a different life which whisks her to a parallel world where her life is different and she falls back in love with her boy friend
First Caucasien
Quando a filha de um diplomata chinês é sequestrada em Los Angeles, o cônsul chama o inspector Lee em Hong Kong para ajudar o FBI com o caso. O FBI não se importa com Lee e o deixa de lado no Departamento de Polícia de Los Angeles, pedindo ao detetive James Carter que o vigie. Apesar de Lee e Carter não se suportarem, eles resolvem trabalhar juntos para resolver o caso por conta própria ao descobrirem que foram abandonados tanto pelo FBI quanto pela polícia.
Cousin Andrew
Se um diretor sente que um filme ficou tão ruim ao ponto de querer tirar seu nome dos créditos sempre pode usar "Alan Smithee", o pseudônimo do Sindicato dos Diretores. Mas se o diretor se chama realmente Alan Smithee então está em um mato sem cachorro.
Executive Producer
Nina, an art dealer, has her weekly massage appointment and is surprised to find out her usual masseur, Douglas, has sent a replacement named Fitch. The pair develop an easy rapport during the session, with talk about past relationships. As Nina lies topless on the massage table, Fitch also takes time to explain various massage techniques, including those used by Hopi medicine men.
A mother/daughter pair of witches descend on a yuppie family's home and cause havoc, one at a time since they share one body & the other must live in a cat the rest of the time. Now it's up to the family's mother, a private detective, and a suspended police officer to try and stop the witches.
London, England, November 5th, 1892, Guy Fawkes Night. The famous playwright Oscar Wilde and his lover Lord Alfred Douglas discreetly go to a luxury brothel where the owner, Alfred Taylor, has prepared a surprise for the renowned author: a private and very special performance of his play Salome, banned by the authorities, in which Taylor himself and the peculiar inhabitants of the exclusive establishment will participate.